Will we have a new king?

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Will we have a new king?

Maybe after those last pairings and a few more battles (to make sure) we can yell "Long live the King!" again? :P

Congrats on the last improvements, Firestarter is now turning into a monster both in 1v1 and melee!

    Rsalesc (talk)19:01, 1 October 2017

    Just noticed that there are some tough match-ups remaining, though. If it's not today, pretty sure it will be soon enough :)

      Rsalesc (talk)19:02, 1 October 2017

      Thanks! Yeah, the melee difference between Firestarter and Neuromancer is small now. My next task will be to improve the 1vs1 score against top bots. I saw Knight beats a lot of strong bots quite easily already, congratulations on that :)

        Cb (talk)19:58, 1 October 2017