ThreadDeath problem

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRumble
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Good catch. I've added synchronization guards on the initializeRound() and cleanup() and now I get the SYSTEM: Neuromancer 5.4 has not performed any actions in a reasonable amount of time. printed inside the correct round. The ThreadDeath is still printed in the round after, but I can live with that I guess.

Now for the next question, why is this even happening?

Skilgannon (talk)23:18, 5 September 2017

Would you please share the patch? My multithreading skills are not that good.

Beaming (talk)01:52, 6 September 2017

It seems that Skilgannon has filed a bug report on this issue, including the necessary patch.

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)03:19, 6 September 2017

See it now. Thanks.

Beaming (talk)03:28, 6 September 2017