Way to APM

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Way to APM

ScalarBot and ScalarN are both suspicious of PatternMatchers, and at the same time Knight and Diamond has very strong APM score.

I even tried to copy Diamond's surf buffers (without flatteners) but it only decreased my APM performance.

Then, craziness drove me to run Diamond with mc2k7, and, without thresholds (doesn't affect score), flatteners (doesn't affect APM score) and bullet shadows, Diamond's APM performance dropped from 74+ to 67.5

Then, it may be concluded that strong APM comes from randomness, and Bullet Shadow is such a great source of randomness for surfers. Even flatteners can't do that well.

It seems that pattern matchers are smart enough to see though active flatteners so that it doesn't work well.

Xor (talk)08:26, 20 September 2018