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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:XanderCat
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Hi mates.

We had once a quite long discussion about skipped turns (Skipped Turns) and I remembered this gc-tuning page. I played around with some of the gc settings and it generated a very different robocode experience. To sad, I don't have the time right now to provide some serious tests but maybe it gives someone a hunch to find some appropriate settings for the gc.
One other thing, do you look out for 'hidden' skipped turns or just take the skipped turn events?
My overall guess would be, that initialization is not a big problem and could easily detected if you spot skipped turns at the start of the round (I remember DrussGT had once an issue where he skipped the first 10+ turns). It is more likely that bots generate a bunch of initialization objects and this bunch of objects get garbage collected a couple of turns later (lets say turn 30+) and that would be the time where it hurts most. Of course this is just a wild guess and i could completely wrong but it could be one explanation why quite a few bots have issues with skipped turns mainly within the first round.

Wompi11:04, 17 February 2013