Version 12.1

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:XanderCat
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Last edit: 22:26, 14 February 2013

It would be much easier to get a full shadow in a larger field. Does Neuromancer surf with Bullet Shadows? It could be almost invincible in the Melee endgame duel.

Sheldor20:22, 14 February 2013

One problem I could see with this is that you might not gain any energy by firing 0.1 bullets, because at long distances in endgame, 0.1 bullets are pretty regular. Also, with the enemy also shooting low power, you won't have much advantage in distance ratios to get a wide shadow because of bullet speed differences, but with enough distance that shouldn't matter that much I guess. Hmm. Food for thought...

Skilgannon21:41, 14 February 2013