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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Dsekercioglu/MEA
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Anything higher than traditional formula is obviously wrong.

Xor (talk)17:21, 24 September 2017

I don't think that this one is wrong. I only added advancing velocity to the Traditional MEA which shouldn't break anything with the calculations.

Dsekercioglu (talk)17:26, 24 September 2017

No, advancing velocity makes distance not constant, therefore you mast use integral.

Xor (talk)01:44, 25 September 2017

I don't need integral. I can get the average distance.

distance - (advancingVelocity * timeToHit / 2) = bulletFloatTime - advancingVelocity / 2
Dsekercioglu (talk)12:08, 25 September 2017

No you can't use average distance, as distance is used like x / distance, not x * distance.

Xor (talk)13:08, 25 September 2017
It is equal at infinity.
(8 / 5 + 1 + 8 / 11) / 3 = 1.109090909...
(8 / 5 + 8 / 6.5 + 1 + 8 / 9.5 + 8 / 11) / 5  = 1.080029444...
This goes closer to 1 every time I decrease the step size.
Dsekercioglu (talk)16:06, 25 September 2017