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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Tmservo
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High ranking bots make all sorts of assumptions really. Guessfactors that are so commonly used as a way to predict the opponant's movement, contain some (loose) assumptions about how the opponant's movement at least vaguely related to where you fired from. Most targeting systems also make the assumption that the opponant acts symmetrically when going backwards versus forwards. Those two assumptions can be quite easily broken, but they're not easily exploitable because breaking them would not make you more unpredictable to those using the incorrect assumptions, it would merely make you more predictable to those who *don't* make the assumptions.

One just has to distinguish between assumptions which are sufficiently safe, and are not sufficiently safe.

Rednaxela (talk)20:13, 18 December 2013

I actually don't feel like GFs make any major assumptions besides clockwise vs counter-clockwise being treated the same. And it would take some actual effort to make that assumption false. The firing angle you use is relative to where you are firing from, regardless of how the enemy moves. And that's the output you need from a targeting algorithm, not the exact location of an enemy.

Voidious (talk)22:12, 18 December 2013

GF assumes symmetric movement, which is safe. Also assumes orbital movement, which is not as safe, but still hard to exploit.

GF combined with statistical targeting, also assumes non-adaptable movement, which is not safe at all. Exploited by all surfers.

MN (talk)22:31, 18 December 2013

How does it assume orbital movement? If you're not staying perpendicular to me, my GF gun is going to crush you even harder.

Voidious (talk)22:36, 18 December 2013

In practice, yeah, because the whole point of perpendicularity is to maximize your MEA. But, GF guns are actually assuming that the enemy is orbiting when it visits those GFs. For example, SittingDuck and RamFire both stay at GF0, even though they have very different movements. I'm definitely not saying that this assumption would be easy to exploit, especially with segmentation, but it could be, in theory.

Sheldor (talk)23:22, 18 December 2013

I still disagree that GuessFactors introduce that assumption. A GF is a scalar value representing the whole range of firing angles the enemy could reach. Orbital movement maximizes this range and distributes the values most evenly across it.

How about this: What if I used raw bearing offsets instead of GuessFactors? Do they assume orbital movement?

Voidious (talk)23:30, 18 December 2013