User:Pedersen/Code Samples/Radar

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I have developed three modes of radar operation, used under various circumstances.

  • Passive Mode: sweeps a tiny arc forward of the tank.
  • Duel Mode: sweeps full circle until a target is aquired, then locks on the target with a rather small arc, which scales to the distance from the enemy.
  • Melee Mode: sweeps full circle until a target is aquired, temporarily locking on the target in a wide arc, and periodically circle sweeping afteward.

The three share an interface and a base class.

 * Common interface for all scanning methods.
public interface ScanningMethod
	//::  Methods
	 * Operates the scanner.
	 * @param absoluteHeading the present scanner heading
	 * @param projectedPosition the projected scanner position
	 * @param target the present target lock
	 * @return the relative heading change as a result of the operation
	public double operate( double absoluteHeading,  Vehicle projectedPosition, Target target );
	//::  Static Constants
	public static final double maximumRateOfRelativeRotation = Math.PI / 4.0; // 45 degrees

 * Common base class for all scanning methods.
public class ScanningMethodBase
	//::  Methods
	 * Instructs a scanner to move to an angle offset beyond a heading.  
	 * Subsequent scans flip to the other side of the heading.
	 * @param scanner the scanner to instruct
	 * @param heading the mean scan heading
	 * @param sweepAngle the angle to sweep to either side of the mean scan heading
	protected void sweep( DynamicHeading scanner, double heading, double sweepAngle )
		scanner.setAbsoluteTargetHeading( heading + ( sweepAngle * ( -0.5 + scanIndex % 2 ) ) );
	//::  Instance Variables
	protected static long scanIndex = 0;

 * Scanning Methods for locking onto a target until it is destroyed.
 * Until a target is aquired, the scanner sweeps clockwise indefinitely.
public class ScanningMethodLockImpl extends ScanningMethodBase implements ScanningMethod
	//::  Methods

	* Operates the scanner.
	* @param absoluteHeading the present scanner heading
	* @param projectedPosition the projected scanner position
	* @param target the present target lock
	* @return the relative heading change as a result of the operation
	public double operate( double absoluteHeading, Vehicle projectedPosition, Target target )
		DynamicHeading scanner = new DynamicHeadingImpl( maximumRateOfRelativeRotation );
		scanner.setHeading( absoluteHeading );


		if( target == null )
			scanner.setRelativeTargetHeading( maximumRateOfRelativeRotation );
			double targetScanNarrow = 2.0 * Math.atan( Vehicle.maximumAbsVelocity / projectedPosition.getDistance( target ) );
			this.sweep( scanner, projectedPosition.getBearing( target ).getHeading(), targetScanNarrow );

		return new StaticHeadingImpl( scanner.projectHeading() ) );

 * Scanning Methods for sweeping a tiny arc to the front.
 * This is fluff radar mode for end of round victory dances, etc.
public class ScanningMethodPassiveImpl extends ScanningMethodBase implements ScanningMethod
	//::  Methods

	* Operates the scanner.
	* @param absoluteHeading the present scanner heading
	* @param projectedPosition the projected scanner position
	* @param target the present target lock
	* @return the relative heading change as a result of the operation
	public double operate( double absoluteHeading, Vehicle projectedPosition, Target target )
		DynamicHeading scanner = new DynamicHeadingImpl( maximumRateOfRelativeRotation );
		scanner.setHeading( absoluteHeading );


		this.sweep( scanner, projectedPosition.getHeading(), targetScanOff );

		return new StaticHeadingImpl( scanner.projectHeading() ) );

	//::  Static Constants

	private static final double targetScanOff = 0.00001;

 * Scanning Methods for situational awareness.
 * Until a target is aquired, the scanner sweeps clockwise indefinitely.
 * After a target is aquired, the scanner is semi-locked in a wide arc, periodically rescanning the environment.
public class ScanningMethodStandardImpl extends ScanningMethodBase implements ScanningMethod
	//::  Methods

	 * Operates the scanner.
	 * @param absoluteHeading the present scanner heading
	 * @param projectedPosition the projected scanner position
	 * @param target the present target lock
	 * @return the relative heading change as a result of the operation
	public double operate( double absoluteHeading, Vehicle projectedPosition, Target target )
		DynamicHeading scanner = new DynamicHeadingImpl( maximumRateOfRelativeRotation );
		scanner.setHeading( absoluteHeading );

		if( scanIndex++ > scanCycle) this.resetScanCycle( );
		if( ( target == null ) || ( scanIndex < scanSweepCycle ) )
			scanner.setRelativeTargetHeading( maximumRateOfRelativeRotation );
			this.sweep( scanner, projectedPosition.getBearing( target ).getHeading(), targetScanWide );

		return new StaticHeadingImpl( scanner.projectHeading() ) );

	 * Resets the scan cycle index, forcing an immediate sweep and a fresh delay for the recurring sweep.
	private void resetScanCycle( )
		scanIndex = 0;

	//::  Static Constants

	private static final double targetScanWide = maximumRateOfRelativeRotation;
	private static final long scanSweepCycle = 8;
	private static final long scanCycle = 40;

The scan cycle reset method could be moved into the base class and exposed through the interface so that it can be called when taking an actual shot.