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My next experiment: goto path surfing. It works by choosing (currently) 31 impact points on each wave, spread out across GF -1 to 1, then plotting the path through them with the least sum of the dangers. It currently works like this, which will become more sophisticated with time:

  • For each Wave choose 31 GuessFactors, spread out across GFs -1 to 1, being sure to include local minimum danger points.
  • To find the best path from a given point:
    • Find the next wave to strike that point.
    • Find the points on that wave that meet the 31 chosen GFs AND could be reached from this point along the path of maximum escape.
    • Recurse to find the danger of each of those points.
    • Choose the point with the least danger.
    • Add in the danger of this point, add this point to the best path so far, and return.

So far there's very humble beginnings:

See old results at /DCGTResearchArchive

MC2K7 Fast Learning Results

Bot Name Author Type HOF SPL GRG Sub 1 WAY (Sub 2) GR3 RKM Sub 3 ASC CC CHK Sub 4 Total Comments
0057 Simonton PF/DC 99.56 88.14 86.88 91.53 65.95 62.77 75.40 69.08 34.95 42.30 40.09 39.11 66.42 75.0 seasons
0058 Simonton PF/DC 99.51 87.62 87.97 91.70 64.39 61.66 75.21 68.44 34.93 43.53 39.35 39.27 65.95 75.0 seasons
0059 Simonton PF/DC 99.53 88.25 87.34 91.71 67.40 63.42 76.11 69.76 35.03 42.28 40.35 39.22 67.02 75.0 seasons
0060 Simonton PF/DC 99.47 88.79 88.33 92.20 67.67 63.39 76.99 70.19 35.82 41.39 40.17 39.13 67.30 75.0 seasons
0061 Simonton PF/DC 99.80 88.45 89.72 92.66 69.63 63.29 76.61 69.95 34.52 41.29 41.34 39.05 67.82 75.0 seasons
0062 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 88.02 89.75 92.59 68.40 63.20 76.18 69.69 33.00 40.64 39.98 37.88 67.14 75.0 seasons
0063 Simonton PF/DC 99.97 88.59 89.93 92.83 67.91 63.30 77.67 70.48 33.43 40.42 40.10 37.98 67.30 75.0 seasons
0064 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 88.10 88.74 92.28 68.93 62.83 77.27 70.05 34.86 41.15 40.69 38.90 67.54 75.0 seasons
0065 Simonton PF/DC 99.96 87.89 88.98 92.28 69.17 62.83 77.79 70.31 34.00 42.49 41.87 39.45 67.80 75.0 seasons
0066 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 88.27 88.78 92.34 69.28 63.16 76.50 69.83 34.36 40.22 40.27 38.28 67.43 75.0 seasons
0067 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 88.00 89.35 92.44 69.28 63.19 78.40 70.80 34.96 41.76 42.00 39.57 68.02 75.0 seasons
0068 Simonton PF/DC 99.97 87.64 90.31 92.64 68.70 63.82 78.27 71.04 36.20 42.71 42.85 40.59 68.24 75.0 seasons
0069 Simonton PF/DC 99.96 87.72 91.49 93.06 68.61 63.41 79.12 71.27 33.84 41.48 43.23 39.52 68.11 75.0 seasons
0070 Simonton PF/DC 99.95 87.65 91.89 93.17 70.09 63.20 80.43 71.82 34.34 41.19 41.68 39.07 68.53 75.0 seasons
0071 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 87.82 92.07 93.29 68.44 63.15 80.22 71.68 33.99 41.64 42.41 39.35 68.19 75.0 seasons
0072 Simonton PF/DC 99.97 87.84 92.39 93.40 69.47 63.19 80.01 71.60 34.20 40.98 42.32 39.17 68.41 75.0 seasons
0073 Simonton PF/DC 99.95 88.02 92.08 93.35 70.34 63.02 79.78 71.40 34.01 40.56 41.05 38.54 68.41 75.0 seasons
0074 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 87.42 92.12 93.18 68.73 62.63 79.20 70.91 33.46 38.76 39.53 37.25 67.52 75.0 seasons
0075 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 87.05 91.08 92.70 69.17 62.68 80.06 71.37 34.59 40.23 40.72 38.51 67.94 75.0 seasons
0076 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 86.90 92.06 92.99 70.13 62.76 80.03 71.40 33.44 41.93 42.68 39.35 68.47 75.0 seasons
0077 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 86.60 91.84 92.81 69.14 62.55 79.25 70.90 33.34 40.77 41.81 38.64 67.87 75.0 seasons
0078 Simonton PF/DC 99.96 87.37 91.82 93.05 69.68 63.02 80.30 71.66 33.96 41.47 43.32 39.58 68.49 75.0 seasons
0079 Simonton PF/DC 99.96 87.66 92.62 93.41 70.10 65.94 81.85 73.90 34.38 40.75 42.97 39.37 69.19 75.0 seasons
0080 Simonton PF/DC 99.97 87.55 92.16 93.23 70.04 69.22 80.98 75.10 33.10 39.90 42.54 38.51 69.22 75.0 seasons
0081 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 87.37 91.78 93.04 70.08 69.40 81.99 75.70 35.65 41.95 42.91 40.17 69.75 75.0 seasons
0082 Simonton PF/DC 99.97 88.02 92.52 93.50 69.83 67.80 82.01 74.90 35.56 41.24 42.81 39.87 69.53 75.0 seasons
82b Simonton PF/DC 99.96 87.86 92.52 93.44 70.30 67.76 81.94 74.85 33.60 40.80 42.75 39.05 69.41 75.0 seasons
82c Simonton PF/DC 99.98 87.09 92.33 93.13 71.30 67.51 82.15 74.83 33.45 40.61 42.88 38.98 69.56 75.0 seasons
0084 Simonton PF/DC 99.92 87.32 92.39 93.21 69.81 67.46 82.08 74.77 34.36 41.55 42.37 39.43 69.30 75.0 seasons
0085 Simonton PF/DC 99.93 88.15 92.64 93.57 70.06 67.28 81.80 74.54 34.96 40.80 42.59 39.45 69.41 75.0 seasons
0086 Simonton PF/DC 99.89 87.55 92.36 93.27 69.89 67.07 81.95 74.51 33.36 41.08 42.12 38.85 69.13 75.0 seasons
0087 Simonton PF/DC 99.62 86.86 91.91 92.80 69.29 65.25 81.50 73.37 33.42 39.25 41.21 37.96 68.35 75.0 seasons
0088 Simonton PF/DC 99.83 87.78 92.50 93.37 70.76 67.08 82.42 74.75 32.76 41.34 42.13 38.74 69.41 327.0 seasons
0089 Simonton PF/DC 99.83 87.62 92.50 93.31 70.49 67.02 81.93 74.48 32.75 41.41 42.21 38.79 69.27 327.0 seasons
0090 Simonton PF/DC 99.80 87.37 92.58 93.25 70.25 67.03 82.14 74.59 32.80 41.13 41.96 38.63 69.18 327.0 seasons
0091 Simonton PF/DC 99.83 87.84 92.61 93.43 70.74 67.06 81.97 74.52 32.58 41.61 41.54 38.58 69.32 327.0 seasons
0092 Simonton PF/DC 99.82 87.61 92.66 93.36 70.90 67.00 81.90 74.45 32.52 41.21 41.62 38.45 69.29 327.0 seasons
0095 Simonton PF/DC 99.84 87.43 92.50 93.26 70.80 67.45 82.18 74.82 32.56 41.63 41.96 38.72 69.40 327.6 seasons
Bot Name Author Type HOF SPL GRG Sub 1 WAY (Sub 2) GR3 RKM Sub 3 ASC CC CHK Sub 4 Total Comments
DrussGT 1.1.4 Skilgannon WS-GT VCS 99.70 87.77 92.74 93.41 71.54 71.51 81.64 76.57 43.10 49.21 47.69 46.67 72.05 100.0 seasons
Dookious 1.554 Voidious WS 99,94 86,30 94,31 93,52 69,07 69,41 84,12 76,76 40,73 52,86 52,06 48,55 71,97 31 seasons
DrussGT w/ my "segments" Skilgannon WS-GT 99.42 87.56 90.58 92.52 65.73 73.56 78.44 76.00 33.28 41.70 41.90 38.96 68.30 41.0 seasons
Firebird 0.1 David Alves DC WS 99.88 87.01 86.72 91.21 67.16 64.53 77.10 70.82 30.02 42.54 42.16 38.24 66.85 100.0 seasons

MC2K7 Results

Bot Name Author Type HOF SPL GRG Sub 1 WAY (Sub 2) GR3 RKM Sub 3 ASC CC CHK Sub 4 Total Comments
0057 Simonton PF/DC 99.58 90.04 91.69 93.77 72.55 63.46 75.32 69.39 28.14 43.87 30.54 34.18 67.47 5.0 seasons
0058 Simonton PF/DC 99.67 89.60 91.63 93.63 73.33 62.53 75.72 69.13 29.83 42.90 29.69 34.14 67.56 5.0 seasons
0059 Simonton PF/DC 99.56 90.46 92.30 94.11 73.40 64.25 77.79 71.02 29.97 44.41 30.94 35.11 68.41 5.0 seasons
0061 Simonton PF/DC 99.86 90.98 93.01 94.61 75.32 64.53 77.14 70.84 29.88 42.86 30.56 34.43 68.80 5.0 seasons
0062 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 90.45 92.12 94.19 74.25 64.31 78.52 71.41 25.95 40.19 28.72 31.62 67.87 5.0 seasons
0063 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 90.56 93.85 94.80 75.04 64.55 79.79 72.17 27.31 41.64 29.03 32.66 68.67 5.0 seasons
0064 Simonton PF/DC 100.00 89.76 93.54 94.43 74.98 63.54 80.64 72.09 27.27 42.39 29.66 33.11 68.65 1.9 seasons
0068 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 89.41 94.20 94.53 74.90 64.79 82.13 73.46 29.51 45.83 33.12 36.16 69.76 5.0 seasons
0069 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 89.22 95.23 94.81 73.19 64.67 81.47 73.07 28.76 45.72 32.58 35.69 69.19 5.0 seasons
0080 Simonton PF/DC 99.98 90.49 96.99 95.82 75.49 70.00 86.15 78.08 28.51 43.80 32.91 35.08 71.12 5.0 seasons
0082 Simonton PF/DC 99.99 90.03 97.23 95.75 75.81 67.99 85.20 76.60 27.63 45.60 32.47 35.24 70.85 5.0 seasons
0084 Simonton PF/DC 100.00 90.66 97.21 95.96 76.06 68.01 85.46 76.73 27.38 45.29 32.79 35.16 70.98 5.0 seasons
0085 Simonton PF/DC 99.96 90.39 97.45 95.94 75.76 67.71 85.76 76.73 25.78 42.65 32.72 33.72 70.54 5.0 seasons
0086 Simonton PF/DC 99.97 90.34 97.47 95.93 76.00 67.23 85.51 76.37 28.07 43.36 32.72 34.71 70.75 5.0 seasons
Bot Name Author Type HOF SPL GRG Sub 1 WAY (Sub 2) GR3 RKM Sub 3 ASC CC CHK Sub 4 Total Comments
DrussGT 0.3.1 Skilgannon WS-GT 99.87 89.16 96.42 95.15 69.93 66.81 86.20 76.50 24.34 52.48 37.66 38.16 69.94 1 season
Dookious 1.554 Voidious WS/GF 99.92 89.18 98.03 95.71 72.86 70.23 87.95 79.09 30.78 54.23 40.02 41.67 72.33 6 seasons


  • 0057: 0054 + Accelerates before pointing straight at its destination.
  • 0058: Add 1% noise to wave dangers. I don't have high hopes for this, but am still very interested to see the results.
  • 0059: 0057 + add back gunheat surfing when there are 0 or 1 other in-flight waves, except this time doing it correctly! (hopefully) Thanks for the tips, Rednaxela!
  • 0060: Surf the gunheat wave no matter how many other waves are in-flight.
  • 0061: Angle-based distancing (preferred 500), based off perpendicular from the line of the last destination to center of the next wave.
  • 0062: Different danger calculation that accounts for closeness taking up more "bins".
  • 0063: Add distance dimension.
  • 0064: Add time-since-direction-change dimension.
  • 0065: Switch the time-since to the almost-equivalent (but maybe importantly different) time-since-orientation-change.
  • 0066: Use only lateral velocity dimension.
  • 0067: Dimensions: Lateral velocity, forward wall distance, distance, time since orientation change
  • 0068: Same dimensions as 67, but pieces the cluster together from smaller clusters using every combination of segments that include lateral velocity.
  • 0069: Slightly different travel angle calculation, to (hopefully) smooth out the wall approach slightly. As a side effect, lessens the retreat angle when too close to the enemy (and increases attack angle when too far away).
  • 0070: Bugfix to time-since-orientation change dimension (it was only working clockwise). 0067 + smoother angles of 0069.
  • 0071: Add back splicing of smaller clusters from 0069.
  • 0072: Using combinations of dimensions for weighting, instead of making separate clusters for each. An idea from Rednaxela
  • 0073: Throw some more dimensions at it. Now: lateral velocity, retreating velocity, distance, forward wall distance, reverse wall distance, and time since orientation change.
  • 0074: Use squared Euclidean distance between scans (formerly Manhattan).
  • 0075: Add a time dimension (some kind of attempt at stat decay).
  • 0076: Back to Manhattan scan distance.
  • 0077: Promote forward & backward wall distance to be in every combination of dimensions (along with lateral velocity and time).
  • 0078: A stab at dynamic weighting of dimensions. Back to only lat. vel. and time being included in every combination of dimensions.
  • 0079: Bugfix in the travel angle calculation introduced in 0069 (and present since). Also accidentally changed the behavior when no waves are in the air (getting ahead of myself).
  • 0080: My distancing code was not behaving as I thought all this time (since introduced in 0048). Now it works as I intended. Also changed be behavior when no waves are in the air, tweaked against GrubbmThree.
  • 0081: Vibrate instead of standing still, to get a boost in acceleration 1/2 the time.
  • 0082: Reduce the retreat angle, to be 1/2 way between 0079 & 0080.
  • 0083: 0082. No change. Just running it again to see how much difference there is in the scores after 75 seasons.
  • 0084: Bugfix: starting in 0079 there was a bug that ruined precise prediction when there was enough time standing still to delay turning toward the next destination. I think the end result of this bug was to reduce escape angle in such a situation.
  • 0085: Surf 41 points per wave, down from 61. This seems to be enough to put a decent gun on top with pretty few skipped turns :).
  • 0086: Surf 31 points per wave.
  • 0087: Surf 21 points per wave.
  • 0088: Settle on 31 points per wave. Calculate travel angle based of the most recently fired enemy wave, instead of the one currently being surfed. Run on a normal CPU constant!!
  • 0089: Rolling depth for dynamic weighting: was it 5 or 20? (changed from 10)
  • 0090: Rolling depth for dynamic weighting: was it 5 or 20?
  • 0091: No dynamic weighting.
  • 0095: Mostly refactoring. Also better handling of waves during collisions, and can no longer get "trapped" in the middle of the field by a rambot (by continually trying to orbit one direction only to find the other bot in the way).