User talk:MultiplyByZer0

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Welcome!323:22, 14 August 2017

I see you're cleaning up and updating lots of links, thanks for the help!

Skilgannon (talk)22:16, 1 August 2017


By the way, account creation (or anonymous editing) really needs to be re-enabled on RoboWiki. Without it, new people can't enter robots into RoboRumble, participate in discussions, fix problems, etc.

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)06:53, 4 August 2017

We were having issues with bots filling the wiki with spam. Perhaps if we put in a more modern re-captcha it will help.

Skilgannon (talk)15:42, 5 August 2017

I think it is worth it. With Deep Learning and AI being very popular at the moment there might be a lot of new people being interested in Robocode.

Cb (talk)23:22, 14 August 2017