Remove bots with underscores in version numbers?

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However I think this problem can be solved by simply trying all of the combinations when failed to remove a bot ;) As the problem seams to happen mostly on removing bots.

When removing bots, first try the canonical method, if failed, try everything that matches the name where '_' are replaced by `[ _]` (regex that matches space or underscore).

Say, if it failed to remove "SimpleBot_0.023h knn", try /^SimpleBot[ _]0\.023h[ _]knn$/ until success ;)

Xor (talk)04:56, 28 August 2017

Finally had a free moment to work on this, done! If there is more than 1 underscore I iteratively test replacing each with a space and the first which matches a bot gets used.

Skilgannon (talk)15:31, 3 September 2017

Thanks a lot!

Xor (talk)16:37, 3 September 2017