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Revision as of 05:45, 15 April 2024 by D414 (talk | contribs) (Add dynamic scores)
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Author(s) David414
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Linear Targeting
Movement Anti-Gravity Movement
Released April 2024
Current Rating 64.81 (2nd)
Current Version 0.2.2
Code License RWPCL

Background Information

What's special about it?

Quantum uses antigravity movement based on the enemy's predicted future position (ie where we would aim) rather than their current location.

How competitive is it?

Quantum briefly knocked DustBunny off of the nano melee throne before settling in to second place.

NanoMeleeRumble ‒ APS: 64.81% (2nd), PL: 87-0 (1st), Survival: 25.36%

MicroMeleeRumble ‒ APS: 64.17% (9th), PL: 144-8 (8th), Survival: 25.2%

MiniMeleeRumble ‒ APS: 63.52% (18th), PL: 183-16 (16th), Survival: 24.63%

MeleeRumble ‒ APS: 60.56% (67th), PL: 337-69 (69th), Survival: 21.6%


How does it move?

Quantum uses Anti-Gravity Movement based on DustBunny but instead of calculating forces based on the angle to the enemy's current position Quantum uses the angle it would fire at.

How does it fire?

Quantum uses DustBunny's gun with customised energy management, it's more aggressive at the start of the round and more conservative by the time it reaches 1v1.

How does it dodge bullets?

It doesn't.

How does the melee strategy differ from One-on-one strategy?

Quantum assumes the battlefield is 1000x1000 so it can only fight in melee. This restriction could be removed if I gave up colours but it wouldn't be very competitive if I did.

How does it select a target to attack/avoid in melee?

It attacks the closest target while trying to avoid everybody.

What does it save between rounds and matches?


Additional Information

Where did you get the name?

I wanted a gravity themed name with small vibes and Graviton was already taken.

Can I use your code?

Yes, under the terms of the RWPCL. The code can be found in the .jar and at Quantum/Source.

What's next for your robot?

I have 7 bytes to spare but I'm yet to find a way of using them that has much of an impact.

Does it have any White Whales?


What other robot(s) is it based on?

DustBunny with tweaked movement and energy management. It has been shrunk considerably to make room for Infinity style target tracking (and colours).