User talk:Tmservo

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package Josewong;
import robocode.*;
//import java.awt.Color;

// API help :

 * Invertigo - a robot by (your name here)
public class Invertigo extends Robot
	 * run: Invertigo's default behavior
	public void run() {
		// Initialization of the robot should be put here

		// After trying out your robot, try uncommenting the import at the top,
		// and the next line:

		// setColors(,,; // body,gun,radar

		// Robot main loop
		while(true) {
			// Replace the next 4 lines with any behavior you would like

	 * onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot
	public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like

	 * onHitByBullet: What to do when you're hit by a bullet
	public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
	 * onHitWall: What to do when you hit a wall
	public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent e) {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
package Josewong;
import robocode.*;

// API help :

 * InvertigoJunior - a robot by (your name here)
public class InvertigoJunior extends JuniorRobot
	 * run: InvertigoJunior's default behavior
	public void run() {
		// Initialization of the robot should be put here

		// Some color codes: blue, yellow, black, white, red, pink, brown, grey, orange...
		// Sets these colors (robot parts): body, gun, radar, bullet, scan_arc
		setColors(orange, blue, white, yellow, black);

		// Robot main loop
		while(true) {
			// Replace the next 4 lines with any behavior you would like

	 * onScannedRobot: What to do when you see another robot
	public void onScannedRobot() {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like

	 * onHitByBullet: What to do when you're hit by a bullet
	public void onHitByBullet() {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like
	 * onHitWall: What to do when you hit a wall
	public void onHitWall() {
		// Replace the next line with any behavior you would like

I am actually Josewong from wikia My name is Augustus Joseph Wong and my location is 7129 Beverly Street, 66204,


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Skilgannon's kd-tree3020:43, 11 October 2013
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Skilgannon's kd-tree

is Julian Kent's kd tree faster than Rednaxela's or is it the other way around

Tmservo (talk)08:45, 4 October 2013

They're pretty much tied. Mine might be a little faster on systems where the data in the Kd-Tree is frequently pushed out of cache.

Skilgannon (talk)13:28, 4 October 2013

is third generation Rednaxela faster than Julian Kent

Tmservo (talk)13:38, 4 October 2013

No, as I said above, they are mostly the same except for cache conditions.

Skilgannon (talk)15:07, 4 October 2013

what about second generation Rednaxela and first generation Rednaxela

Tmservo (talk)23:22, 4 October 2013

3rd gen is the fastest of Rednaxela's trees. There's also a k-NN algorithm benchmark if you want to run some tests.

Voidious (talk)02:32, 5 October 2013
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