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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:AgentSmith/Wolfmans Todo List
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Well, Robocode waves don't really qualify as "matter with wave-like properties" either. So I'm not sure Louis de Broglie would find them very interesting, but the bot name still gave me a chuckle. :-)

And deBroglie is a pretty strong bot, so I'm pretty sure Tkiesel understands how waves work.

Voidious16:03, 3 April 2013

I didn't say he doesn't understand how waves work. I said that he is wrong in saying that Aristocles uses waves in its movement simply because the movement code and the wave code happen to share a variable.

I agree that deBroglie is a nice bot, and Tkiesel is a talented author. But that doesn't excuse saying something that is simply wrong.

After all, he did say that he had a "philosophical requirement" to meet; all that I'm doing is saying that he didn't meet it.

Sheldor16:49, 3 April 2013

Is there any way we can take this conversation somewhere else and move all of it to that page? Not sure all of this belongs on the discussion of my To-do list! :)

Wolfman16:51, 3 April 2013

We can move the whole thread, but not specific posts in a thread.

Where would you like it to be moved?

Sheldor16:54, 3 April 2013