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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:LiteRumble
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Batch updates are more useful in a limited environment like that. Maybe it´s time for a refactoring in the upload protocol (1 update per batch upload), even if it breaks backward compatibility.

MN18:48, 28 May 2012

I've actually figured out a sort of temporary caching between requests where I wait for bots to accumulate a certain number of pairings before pushing them to disk. I don't think it's necessary to re-work the rumble upload protocol yet. One thing I would like the rumble to tell me is how many bots are in a melee battle though. Right now I just have it hardcoded at 10. It would help with my caching if I knew how many they were uploading per battle.

Skilgannon21:36, 28 May 2012

Flush them to the database on a period basis (constant number of commits regardless of number of uploads) instead of being per number of uploads?

MN21:52, 28 May 2012