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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:XanderCat
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In case it's easier just to copy it from here -- here is a challenge file with 3 opponents that XanderCat 12.2 is nearly perfect against on my machine but only maybe 50 percent successful against on machines that exhibit the performance anomaly.

Shielding Vulnerable

Shielding Vulnerable {
    apv.test.Virus 0.6.1
    kc.serpent.Hydra 0.21
    trab.Crusader 0.1.7
Skotty08:05, 16 February 2013

I finally got my precise intersection with bullet shadows working for bullet shielding, so Voidious, if you're going to run some tests to see if bullet collisions work on your machine, give this a try as well: I'm theoretically getting around half a pixel of shield width, so if that doesn't work then there is something seriously wrong.

Skilgannon09:52, 16 February 2013