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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Iiley
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Interesting, what kind of electronics? I got stuck into building some analogue amplifiers a while ago, and recently I've been playing with switching regulators.

Skilgannon (talk)18:12, 30 April 2014

I have a problematic habit of starting new projects when existing ones are only partially done... leading to a fair number number of projects being in-progress at a time. Oh well, it's fun :)

Main current ones are:

  • A high bandwidth infrared tranciever board, with which I'm intendeding to try some modulation experiments with.
  • A very high resolution frequency counter (using some phase comparison tricks)
  • An audio ADC project, with some little tricks up my sleeve for improved dynamic range

Each of which involve things that could be considered subprojects in their own right.

Rednaxela (talk)20:50, 30 April 2014