Strategy Layout

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Revision as of 9 September 2011 at 16:16.
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Strategy Layout

I and looks like Skotty use fourth layout: strategy. It something like this

|                                      |
| Wave management, bullets management  |
|            Hitstory, etc             |
|                                      |
|                         / Gun        |
|                 strat1  - Radar      |
|               /         \ Movement   |
|          robot                       |
|               \         / Gun        |
|                 strat2  - Radar      |
|                         \ Movement   |

This layout allows robot to has special Radar-Gun-Movement configs for ram bots, mirror bots, melee etc

    Jdev13:15, 9 September 2011

    Nice to hear someone mention my robot. I would say mine could be categorized under Modular. It just has the added ability to swap out the radar, drive, and gun on the fly depending on the situation.

      Skotty16:27, 9 September 2011

      That seems reasonable to add. After all I think I have seen other robots do something like that for Melee/Duel, and similar.

        Chase-san18:16, 9 September 2011