Did the flattener help against weak bots?

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Hmm, I don't know, I just really don't. And the wave speed changes with bullet power too, right? I can think of a few issues to consider.

One is that this sort of double penalizes non-firing waves. It's true that a non-firing wave might capture the wrong bullet power (input) to the firing angle (output) that it yields. But we're already weighting against this data with the high virtuality, because it is fuzzier and semi-duplicate data. Does further modification of the virtual wave data screw up how much we're weighting against non-firing waves with virtuality?

I've had some counter-intuitive results come up with wave bullet powers / speeds. For instance, against bots that don't react to bullet fire, shouldn't you be able to fire waves at every bullet power you might use, and always aim based on waves collected with the correct bullet power? My tests with stuff like this never pan out. I feel like aiming with any bullet power other than what you're really using is bad news. So if you're switching between power=1.9 and 3.0, you might end up capturing a lot of power=2.5 waves that are less useful than either of the other two.

I think it's a good idea, but I can't say for sure I think it's a slam dunk, I just think you'd need to run a lot of tests to really be sure. This does strike me as the kind of stuff we'll have to explore to further improve how we classify data in Robocode.

Voidious01:47, 9 December 2012