
From Robowiki
Revision as of 21:22, 7 April 2019 by Slugzilla (talk | contribs)
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Author(s) User:Slugzilla
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Symbolic Pattern Matching
Movement Random Movement
Released 2019
Current Version 2.5
Code License RWPCL
[[1] Download]

Background Information

What's special about it?

It's my first nanobot!

How competitive is it?

SquirmyToad 2.0: Ranked 51 in NanoRumble.

SquirmyToad 2.1: Ranked 35 in NanoRumble.


How does it move?

It moves perpendicular to the enemy, changing direction randomly.

How does it fire?

It uses pattern matching!

How does it dodge bullets?

Random movement dodges some =)

How does the melee strategy differ from one-on-one strategy?

It doesn't have a melee strategy.

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?

The first version looked like it wiggled and squirmed around the enemy. Unfortunately, I had to get rid of the squirming part to save codesize =(

Can I use your code?

Sure! SquirmyToad RWPCL.

What's next for your robot?

Tweak random movement.

Attempt perfect head on avoidance.

Does it have any White Whales?


What other robot(s) is it based on?

It uses BlackWidow's Symbolic Pattern Matcher.

It's original movement was from MicroAspid, although that has been changed a lot.

Plus, it uses the Infinity Lock from the RoboWiki.

And of course, a huge thank you to all the contributors on the RoboWiki for your awesome tutorials and open source robots!