
From Robowiki
Revision as of 23:40, 27 April 2009 by Miked0801 (talk | contribs) (Fixed version number.)
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DustBunny, the nanobot anti-gravity bot with some smarts about energy usage and a touch of random lead aiming. As soon as I find my source, I'll post it here.

Background Information

Author(s) User:Miked0801
Targeting Linear
Movement Anti-Gravity Movement
Released a long time ago
Current Version 3.5

Bot Name
What's special about it?
It's a Anti-Gravity Movement melee bot with decent power management and a rnadom/linear gun nano.
How competitive is it?
Very. It's been a top 5 Melee Nanobot for years. Works well against its bigger, bulkier cousins as well. It even does well in 1v1, but gets troused by more advanced guns.


How does it move?
Anti-Gravity Movement
How does it fire?
Random Linear.
How does it dodge bullets?
It doesn't, but Anti-Gravity Movement is hard to pattern match and very hard to linear aim at.
How does the melee strategy differ from One-on-one strategy?
No difference.
What does it save between rounds and matches?

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?
It's small and cute and moves around like a dustbunny being blown in a breeze.
Can I use your code?
Go for it.
What's next for your robot?
Not until there's a need :)
Does it have any White Whales?
Good pattern match bots will beat it handily. Beyond that, it holds its own well.
What other robot(s) is it based on?
It used Infinity's gun modified, and other modified antigrav code, but mostly it's its own entity.