Shrinking OculusMicro

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Revision as of 10 December 2017 at 19:24.
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Shrinking OculusMicro

The package is dsekercioglu.micro but it is a mini(856 bytes) right now. I am not very good at shrinking so can somebody help me please? Thank you.

<highlight> package dsekercioglu.micro;

import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import robocode.Condition; import robocode.Rules; import static robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle;

public class OculusMicro extends robocode.AdvancedRobot {

   static float[][] statistics = new float[5][31];
   static double enemyEnergy = 100;
   static double oldLatVel = 0;
   static Point2D.Double myLocation;
   static Rectangle2D.Double battleField = new Rectangle2D.Double(18, 18, 764, 564);
   ArrayList<MoveWave> waves = new ArrayList<>();
   static String h1;
   public void run() {
   public void onScannedRobot(robocode.ScannedRobotEvent e) {
       double bearing;
       double distance;
       double absoluteBearing;
       Point2D.Double enemyPosition = project(myLocation = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY()), absoluteBearing = (bearing = e.getBearingRadians()) + getHeadingRadians(), distance = e.getDistance());
       double lateralVelocity = getVelocity() * Math.sin(bearing);
       setTurnRightRadians(normalRelativeAngle(bearing + Math.PI / 2));
       //bearing is bullet power
       if ((bearing = (enemyEnergy - (enemyEnergy = e.getEnergy()))) <= 3 && bearing >= 0.09) {
           MoveWave w;
           (w = new MoveWave()).mea = Math.asin(8 / (w.speed = Rules.getBulletSpeed(bearing))) * oldLatVel >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
           w.absBearing = absoluteBearing + Math.PI;
           w.bins = statistics[(int) (Math.abs(oldLatVel)) >> 1];
           w.source = (Point2D.Double) enemyPosition.clone();
       int dir;
       if (!waves.isEmpty()) {
           MoveWave surfWave;
           double moveAngle;
           double extra;
           if (!battleField.contains(project((surfWave = waves.get(0)).source,
                   moveAngle = (absoluteBearing(surfWave.source, myLocation))
                   + (extra = ((surfWave.source.distance(myLocation) / surfWave.speed - surfWave.time) * 8 / distance)), distance))) {
               dir = 1;
           } else {
               int frontBin = surfWave.getBin(moveAngle);
               if (!battleField.contains(project(surfWave.source, (moveAngle -= extra * 2), distance))) {
                   dir = -1;
               } else {
                   dir = (surfWave.bins[frontBin] < surfWave.bins[surfWave.getBin(moveAngle)] ? -1 : 1);
           setAhead(dir * 100);
       oldLatVel = lateralVelocity;
       h1 += (char) ((int) Math.round(e.getVelocity() * Math.sin(absoluteBearing - e.getHeadingRadians())) + 8);
       int b;
       for (int matchLen = 30; matchLen >= 1; matchLen--) {
           int size;
           int matchi = h1.substring(0, (size = h1.length()) - (b = (int) (distance / 14))).lastIndexOf(h1.substring(size - matchLen, size));
           if (matchi != -1) {
               matchi += matchLen;
               for (int i = 0; i < b; i++) {
                   absoluteBearing -= (h1.codePointAt(matchi + i) - 8) / distance;
               setTurnGunRightRadians(robocode.util.Utils.normalRelativeAngle(absoluteBearing - getGunHeadingRadians()));
   static Point2D.Double project(Point2D.Double source, double angle, double distance) {
       return new Point2D.Double(source.x + (distance * Math.sin(angle)), source.y + (distance * Math.cos(angle)));
   public static double absoluteBearing(Point2D.Double p1, Point2D.Double p2) {
       return Math.atan2(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y);
   public void onHitByBullet(robocode.HitByBulletEvent e) {
       if (!waves.isEmpty()) {
           MoveWave w;
           double bin = (w = waves.get(0)).getBin(absoluteBearing(w.source, myLocation));
           for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
               w.bins[i] += 1 / (Math.pow((i - bin) / 5, 2) + 1);
   public class MoveWave extends Condition {
       float[] bins;
       double speed;
       double mea;
       int time;
       double absBearing;
       Point2D.Double source;
       public int getBin(double angle) {
           return (int) (normalRelativeAngle(angle - absBearing) / mea * 15 + 15.5);
       public boolean test() {
           if ((++time) * speed > source.distance(myLocation)) {
           return false;

} </highlight>

    Dsekercioglu (talk)21:24, 10 December 2017