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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Anti-Surfer Targeting
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Along the same lines, Random Targeting is the most "unsurfable" targeting strategy, but my Anti-Surfer gun still outperforms that vs everyone.

Voidious (talk)18:32, 9 May 2013

I've wondered about a random targeting scheme that only shoots within precise MEA. Have you tested that vs. your anti-surfer?

Skilgannon (talk)18:44, 9 May 2013

No, but I've been curious about that too, only for one bot in particular... ;)

Voidious (talk)19:00, 9 May 2013

I've found myself wondering about the reverse recently... if a sufficiently advanced (I have some tricks in mind...) random-movement surfer (note, not active flattener) could outperform usual methods against some of the strongest anti-surfer targeting that a few bots have...

Rednaxela (talk)21:39, 9 May 2013

This I actually have spent a substantial amount of time working on. All sorts of extra randomization of surfing stats, fully random surf stats that get completely regenerated each time you get hit, or every so often, mixes of random and normal surf stats and flatteners, and so on. I thought a totally new movement profile every time you get hit would have a lot of potential, but I just didn't get it close to outperforming my existing stuff.

Voidious (talk)21:42, 9 May 2013

Pure random targeting is sound according to game theory, assuming there is only 1 wave flying at a given time.

With 2 or more waves, shooting at all GFs with the same probability may not be the optimal strategy. A weighted random targeting might be stronger.

MN (talk)15:47, 11 May 2013

True, although I'd hate to have to evaluate that function. It could probably be done with Monte-Carlo though, although it would be VERY VERY slow due to the precise predictions that would have to take place. Maybe some sort of high-speed precise prediction lookup table could work here.

Skilgannon (talk)21:46, 13 May 2013