non-Robocode LiteRumble usage

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non-Robocode LiteRumble usage

Been thinking I'll probably try a LiteRumble instance when I get to creating a BerryBots Rumble. I was wondering if you could say, at a high level, if there's much Robocode-specific about it? Just looking for some general info, I'm happy to tackle the details myself when I get into setting it up.

I know obviously the protocol is whatever the RR client uses, and the scoring is sorta Robocode-centric. But that shouldn't be too hard to adapt if I need to. I guess the next thing that comes to mind is any CodeSize related stuff? I'm starting on the control API stuff soon, which would enable writing a rumble client, and someone posted the first public user-created bot on the forums today (woohoo!), so I might experiment with it soonish.


    Voidious20:27, 22 March 2013

    It doesn't have anything Robocode dependant, and doesn't even know that the roborumble is more related to the mini/micro/nano than, say, the meleerumble. The homepage does a manual categorisation based on whether they are 1v1, teams, melee etc., but that's as far as it goes. You could even create, say, a 'berryrumble' on the same server if you wanted.

      Skilgannon20:42, 22 March 2013