Summary:User talk:Tmservo/what's the secret to making a good robot in robocode

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In this conversation, users discuss the secrets to making a good robot in Robocode. Various users contribute their thoughts, insights, and advice on the topic. Key points include:

  1. Understanding the rules of the game, Java technology, and competition mechanics.
  2. Learning from other robocoders and studying existing strategies.
  3. Hard work, passion, attention to detail, and not trying to reinvent the wheel.
  4. Implementing known best practices, fixing bugs, and continuous tweaking and tuning.
  5. Making assumptions about enemy behavior can be a double-edged sword, as some assumptions can be exploited.
  6. GuessFactors, a common targeting method, make assumptions about enemy movement, but their effectiveness depends on various factors.

Overall, the users suggest learning from others, following best practices, and carefully considering assumptions when developing a competitive Robocode robot.