Client java version

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:RoboRumble
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According to the code, it shouldn't be harmful. It's just to make sure the client has the JAR, and to prevent duplicates.

// Check that competitors exist
String jar1 = items[0].replace(' ', '_') + ".jar";
boolean exists1 = (new File(botsrepository + jar1)).exists() && namesAll.contains(items[0]);
String jar2 = items[1].replace(' ', '_') + ".jar";
boolean exists2 = (new File(botsrepository + jar2)).exists() && namesAll.contains(items[1]);

// Add battles to priority battles list
if (exists1 && exists2 && !priorityBattles.contains(record)) {
} else {
    System.out.println("Ignoring: " + record);
MultiplyByZer0 (talk)18:29, 6 September 2017