
Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Scarlet
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Recently I ran a bit of memory profiling and it seems that the dominant memory use is the "Single Tick" pattern matcher. I think the reason it uses so much memory is a combination of 1) how "flat" their movement profile is to pattern matching, and 2) how long the battle is...

It's interesting that we haven't seen the same occur with RougeDC which has the same targeting system, though Scarlet does get a bit 'cheekier' with bullet power in some situations and has a movement better capable of holding out longer...

Looking over some of that old code, I think I see some simple ways to reduce the memory usage, but it just occurred to me... this pattern matcher is storing a tree of maximum depth 15, with up to 55 branches per node... which means that in a sufficiently long battle against a sufficiently unpredictable enemy, the memory usage could eventually (if given a 128-bit addressed memory space and infinite system resources...) grow to a point where it would be measured in yottabytes :S

Rednaxela07:17, 1 August 2012

Wow, that's a yottabytes! (Sorry.)

Voidious20:31, 1 August 2012