Fast Math.exp

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FYI - testing for values between -20 and 0, which would be the range if you're doing gaussians with bandwidth = 1/2 bot width and up to 40 bot widths.

Math.exp() time: 0.30864 seconds
FastMath.exp() time: 0.06371 seconds
FastMath.exp() worst error: 0.02899
FastMath.exp() avg error: 0.00073

Or for -3 to 0:

== exp Test ==
Math.exp() time: 0.38425 seconds
FastMath.exp() time: 0.07076 seconds
FastMath.exp() worst error: 0.02899
FastMath.exp() avg error: 0.00464
Voidious22:00, 17 September 2011