Discussion page history

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Time Thread User Activity Comment
02:26, 18 September 2017 Beaming (talk | contribs) New thread created  
02:34, 18 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Why is it better?)
02:35, 18 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) Comment text edited  
02:35, 18 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) Comment text edited  
08:44, 18 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) Comment text edited (update)
08:46, 18 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) Comment text edited (fix)
09:38, 18 September 2017 Dsekercioglu (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Why is it better?)
16:34, 19 September 2017 Dsekercioglu (talk | contribs) Comment text edited  
02:47, 25 September 2017 Beaming (talk | contribs) New thread created  
04:09, 25 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
05:51, 25 September 2017 Skilgannon (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
10:24, 25 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
10:25, 25 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) Comment text edited  
10:27, 25 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) Comment text edited  
07:08, 26 September 2017 Dsekercioglu (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
17:59, 26 September 2017 Beaming (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
01:15, 27 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
02:11, 27 September 2017 Beaming (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
04:49, 27 September 2017 Xor (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)
09:42, 28 September 2017 Dsekercioglu (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Tradiotional MEA proof)