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Time User Activity Comment
09:01, 2 April 2013 Cristiancompany (talk | contribs) New thread created  
13:02, 2 April 2013 Sheldor (talk | contribs) New reply created (Reply to Import Robot to Robocode)
13:06, 2 April 2013 Sheldor (talk | contribs) Comment text edited (Added a link to a tutorial.)

Import Robot to Robocode

Hello! We are creating our first robots, and we export the robots from eclipse, in .jar doing in the project, right click>Export>Java>JAR File.

In the next box, we export to JAR, but when we try to import the robot to robocode, it complete succesful, but it don't appear in the list of robots.


Cristian09:01, 2 April 2013

Welcome to the RoboWiki!

You don't need to export every time you want to run your robot. This tutorial shows you how to tell Robocode to get your robots straight from Eclipse.

It's also interesting that you say you imported the robot into Robocode, but it didn't appear on the list of robots. I assume that you used the "Import downloaded robot" feature of Robocode. I might've had the same problem with it. Try downloading this robot and then see if using the Robocode import feature works. If it doesn't, just copy the .jar file into the robot directory, and Robocode should recognize it.

This thread isn't really appropriate for the main page discussion; if you don't mind, I'll move it to User talk:Cristiancompany.

Welcome again and good luck!

Sheldor13:02, 2 April 2013