Difference between revisions of "WhiteFang"

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(Upgraded the What's next for your robot section)
(WF 14th place -> 13th place)
Line 40: Line 40:
; How competitive is it?
; How competitive is it?
: ''I would say competitive, 14th currently.''
: ''I would say competitive, 13th currently.''

Revision as of 22:07, 5 April 2019

WhiteFang Sub-pages:
Lightning - Fangs - WolfBreath
 _    _ _     _ _      ______                
| |  | | |   (_) |     |  ___|               
| |  | | |__  _| |_ ___| |_ __ _ _ __   __ _ 
| |/\| | '_ \| | __/ _ \  _/ _` | '_ \ / _` |
\  /\  / | | | | ||  __/ || (_| | | | | (_| |
 \/  \/|_| |_|_|\__\___\_| \__,_|_| |_|\__, |
                                        __/ |

Background Information

Bot Name
What's special about it?
It is completely deterministic after the initialization.
It is one of the only bullet shielders.
Great, I want to try it. Where can I download it?

How competitive is it?
I would say competitive, 13th currently.
Skilgannon for the bugless, fast Kd-tree
Cb for non iterative wall smoothing.
Rozu for the precise prediction code.
Chase-san for the intercept method I used in my PPMEA calculations.


How does it move?
True Surfing
How does it fire?
It uses GuessFactor with DC
How does it dodge bullets?
Surfs the bins generated by KNN algorithm.
How does the melee strategy differ from One-on-one strategy?
It doesn't support melee yet.
How does it select a target to attack/avoid in melee?
It doesn't support melee yet.
What does it save between rounds and matches?
Between rounds it saves the kd-trees. Between matches it doesn't save anything.

Additional Information

Where did you get the name?
From a book named "White Fang".
Can I use your code?
Yes, you can but just give credit on the bot's page so I can know.
What's next for your robot?
Better Bullet Shadow Calculations
Tuning the guns since they haven't been tuned since the first version
Gun Heat Waves
Precise MEA for movement
Maybe a pre-trained movement or gun to use in the first ticks of the battle
Beating Shadow
Entering top 10
Precise Intersection
PPMEA for movement
Does it have any White Whales?
I have problems with iiley's bots.
What other robot(s) is it based on?
It is not based on any other robot except my standard code base. Thanks to Beaming and Skilgannon for helping me to getting into the competition and for the TUR flag(Skilgannon).