
From Robowiki
Revision as of 11:12, 27 March 2009 by Nat (talk | contribs)
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2008 This user entered robocode community since 2008
JAVA This user prefer to use Java for all his/her programs.
Robo code This user love robocode!
GF This user hate GuessFactor Targeting
GF ... but still using it for it's no match in aiming!
PM This user love PatternMatching
AS This user is creating his/her Anti Surfer GuessFactor Targeting for hitting Shadow.
Melee This user prefer melee battle than One-On-One battle
Wave This user hate Wave
Wave ... but still using it for it's effective!
DC This user use Dynamic Clustering in his/her robots.
VCS This user sometimes use Visit Count Stats in his/her robots.
EclipseIcon.png This user use Eclipse to program robocode's robot.
Wiki I love this Wiki!
Rumble This user have his/her bot in RoboRumble.
5th This user have the highest rank of 5th in NanoRumble.
79th This user have the highest rank of 79th in General Rumble.
TH This user live in Thailand.
UBX This user is first one who create their userboxes purely about robocode!
UBX This user has most userboxes in this wiki.
ABC This user MUST dethrone ABC and his Shadow for his life.

My name is Nat Pavasant. I'm 13 years old robocoder from Thailand.

I was first introduced sometimes in 2006 when I was 11 years old. Don't remembered where I found it but I am not very good at English at that moment so I don't found this wiki. That time, I played mainly on modified version Wall, but I never touched AdvancedRobot at that time. Then, I got bored. I return to my PHP programming. Later in July, 2007 I found a notice of Cubic Thailand National Robocode Tournament 2007. I take another look at my old installed robot in my computer but don't get anything more than last time. And, again, I return to my PHP programming Middle 2008 is when I found another robocode word. I found it on some old my country NSC software contest. There was a software called Robo-Rookie that implements Junior Robot visual editor.

September 2008 is where I start entered Robocode community. This time I am lot better at English and start seeking articles for GuessFactor Targeting that I've heard for a long time. Sure, I don't understand any part, whatever simple or hard, of it. The first robot I download ever is SparePart, then Gladiator and Dookious. It still really, really hard so I decide to learn first from Quick Targeting (say HOT, LT and CT). I take a look at NanoBot first because it will make me understand it easier. But, unfortunately many bot code is super optimize for codesize and make me have headache on it. Anyway, my first robot is NanoBot after reading many many robot source to understand non-blocking call. I was so silly that wait/reload old Pulsar server ranking page for a day and realize that I need to look at Darkcanuck's instead.

Some fact of mine
  • I'm but one robocoder from Thailand that participated in RoboWiki and RoboRumble. (As of March, 09)
  • I have a userboxes most of this wiki. =)
  • I have the longest user page (I think)
  • I contribute a lot of pages/talk in one day (actually, I usually contribute the most in a day)


Order by creation date.

  • Carola: My first, public, nano-size and shameless robot. Almost everything is taken from WeekendObsession. Retired.
  • NanoKitty: A nano bot. First designed for One-one-One, but used Head-On Targeting so it's better in melee.
  • SwodniwMR: A nano bot that compleately design for melee, fire head-on and move randomly.
  • Ocnirp: My first competitive robot. nano-size.
    • OcnirpSNG: Sister of Ocnirp, feature StopNGo movement on top of old random movement.
  • AtomicMini: A melee robot and my second shameless robot since a movement is entirely from Shiz and gun from MiniTron.
  • MiniAtomicOperation: A group of 5 AtomicMini.
  • BlackHole: My truly first bot (I mean, I wrote more than 70% of it myself) and my first long development robot.
  • AW: Test bot. One-on-one with Robar's AOM. Come with Simonton's Pattern Matching as usual for my nanobot.
  • Hebe: My test to crazy ideas. Move in StopNGo and fire with Circular Targeting.

Also, check out my /Free code.

Planned Future Robots

  • HyperRobot: An extend-robot bot which have WaveSurfing.
    • Please tall me if someone done already. Now, I only heard of extend-robot GuessFactor Targeting.
    • I think I must keep track of enemy gunheat instead of energy drop. I also think that TrueSurf is impossible for extend-robot so I must use goto-style surfing. Anyone have idea?
  • BlackHole v2
  • MilkyWay: Melee surfer... (in race with Skilgannon and Rednaxela)
  • Galaxy: my new wave surfer, use combination of DC and VCS to take advantage of both. Come with combination of DC and VCS gun, too.
    • By default, a DC bot will slower but less memory consume, VCS usually faster but much more memory consume. By combining togeather, the monster will both slow and much memory comsume :)

Current Developing Robots

  • Ceres: an attempt to create a well-structured robot framework for all my new megabots =)
  • Pallas: A pure dynamic clustering robot.
  • Juno: A pure VCS robot, because I felt more comfortable with.
  • Egeria: New bot, experiment with crazy-buffer movement system.

I usually switch the development with those 4 robots so they might not be finished shortly. It is going to be Phoenix anyway... (Note: Phoenix took 3 years to develop the first release.)


  • Be throne of all roborumble.
  • but currently focused on general melee/roborumble.
  • Be the youngest who entered The2000Club and The2100Club! (Before I get 14...)
  • Be the first one who break the 2200 beerier!
  • Having PHP plugins for robocode =D


I'm not want to show my competitiveness, but I must keep records of my competitions.

  • Won 1st prize of Cubic Thailand National Robocode Tournament 2008 - Jan, 31 2009 -- Melee Battles -- Won 30,000 Baht (~$855)
  • Won 2nd prize of Thailand National Robocode Tournament 2009 - Feb, 7 2009 -- One-On-One Survivalist Battles -- Won 20,000 Baht (~$570)
    • If this is normal robocode competition (I mean, not survivalist battle), I am going to win definitely! I got 4-6 survival score and 77%-23% normal robocode score!
    • Because I fire too often (In fact, I always fire) and he is a great dodger with great random movement (I have PM gun, not enough time to write GF). Another thing is he only fire to disabled inactivity timer, so he will often out survive me, resulting in higher survival score!

Current Development

  • A Thai Robocode Community website (which include Thai Robocode Repository, Thai RoboRumble and new Thai RoboWiki).
    • New Thai RoboWiki goes online at thus nothing there except plain MediaWiki/1.14rc1.
    • A new Thai roborumble that I planned to create also accept oversea competitors! I think I'll reborn PointBlank battle and add my new BlankyBattle (which mean less number of robot in really large battle!). Also with TwinDuel, Sonnet/Haiku/Femto Battle. I may include Hat League into it, too. (don't know if my new server hold that? I will ask Darkcanuck for his roborumble server code!)
  • Special: Create template for userboxes you see on this page. (I don't know anybody want them? This is not wikipedia, anyway...)


  • /SDSResearch Research for Symbolic Dynamic Segmentation to work faster :-)

Other Works

Contact Information

Tel. +66(0)8-6054-4882 Blog: (just start a new blog, take a look at 'Robocode authors quote' first, now only 7 quotes is in database.)

Other Information

Robot staling

OK, I admit I stole many of robots out there in roborumble, whatever it's open source or not, with Java Decompiler. My most problem robots are ABC's and David Alave's robot since they use Java Obfuscation. NOTE: I'm not stole these robot as-is. Therefore, it is my good learning point.

If anyone see any wrong grammar above, please tell me on User_talk:Nat page!!