
From Robowiki
Revision as of 18:21, 6 June 2009 by J Litewski (talk | contribs) (Help with Segmenting)
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Credits - Segmentation
Old wiki page: Segmentation
Original author(s): Jokester

Hmm, there is a ton of segmentation information scattered throughout the wiki. I'm planning on redoing some of the information on this page if you guys think this will be useful. My thoughts are to divide it into

   * Overview
   * Segment Variables
   * Selecting best segments
   * Granularity vs Population
   * Saving stats 

If you feel this will be good I will go through with it, otherwise I can just post all my bookmarks on the subject here. Also, if you have any other good ideas for sections feel free to put them there. -- Jokester

Go ahead. Just pour all the current stuff over to a page like /Discussion and make a structured page about segmentation instead. That would be great. -- PEZ

I'm taking a look at possible segmentations for Watermelon and am considering lateral distance to wall as a segment for my Guess Factor gun. Does this seem like a reasonable segmentation factor? -- Synapse 04:44, 6 June 2009 (UTC)

Absolutely, many bots segment on wall distance. Some use the distance to a wall if orbiting in a circle. Others use the distance if continuing in a straight line. It's also common to segment on distance to wall if you reverse direction. In theory, this might catch when an opponent is pinned in the corner. Experiment with what works best for you and let us know. --Corbos 05:19, 6 June 2009 (UTC)

I'm trying to figure out how to integrate segmentation into my WaveSurfing bot GravityWave. So far, all I have is a headache and some useless code. So I have a couple of questions:

  • what would be the best bot to look at for wavesurfing segmentation?
  • what segment axis' are good for wavesurfing?

There is more, but I can't think of any at the moment. Thank you --Jacob Litewski 16:21, 6 June 2009 (UTC)