Toad/Tree Code
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This is the code used in Toad RRGC 1.1
package florent; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import robocode.AdvancedRobot; import robocode.Condition; import robocode.RobocodeFileOutputStream; //TODO add a thread dedicated to add leaves public class SegmentationTree implements Serializable,Runnable{ //TODO try segmentation on distance traveled in the last 15,30 ticks /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2503026896538361157L; private static final boolean RUMBLE = Toad.RUMBLE; private boolean saveToFile = false, showSegementation = false; private int completeRebuildRound = 7; private int GF_ZERO; private int GF_ONE; private double[] ALL_ACCEL = {Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,-1.5,-.5,0,.5,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY};//-1.5,0,.5 vs FloodMini & PulsarMAX private double[] ALL_DISTANCE = {Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600,650,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}; private double[] ALL_POWER = {Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}; private double[] ALL_TIME = {Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,.1,.15,.25,.3,.45,.55,.65,.7,.9,1.1,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}; private double[] ALL_VEL = {Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,5.5,6,6.5,7,7.5,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}; private double[] ALL_WALL = {Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,.15,.4,.8,.1,1.3,1.6,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY}; private double[] ALL_WALL_REVERSE = {Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,.5,.75,1,1.45,Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY};//1.45 & 0.73 vs Quest private double minAccel=.5,minVel=1.5,minLatvel = 1.5,minDistance=150,minPower=4,minWall=.15,minTime=.1,minWallReverse = .35; private int threshold; private boolean verbose = false; private int rebuilding = 0; private boolean start = false; private boolean rebuild = true; private Node root; private int leaves = 0,weightedLeaves = 0;; public AdvancedRobot me; private boolean bufferingEntry = false; private Vector buffer = new Vector(); private Thread rebuildThread,treeThread; private boolean rebuildingInProcess = false,addingInProcess = false; private WeightedVisitRecorder recorder = new WeightedVisitRecorder(); private boolean dynamicTree = true; private boolean quitThread = false; private double round; private Segmentation seg; public SegmentationTree(int gf0,int gf1, int threshold){ GF_ZERO = gf0; GF_ONE = gf1; this.threshold =threshold*5; root = new NonPreTerminalNode(); root.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(); } public void init(){ quitThread=false; round = me.getRoundNum(); treeThread = ((Toad)me).giveThread(this);//new Thread(this); //System.out.println(treeThread.getThreadGroup()); treeThread.start(); treeThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); } public void setRoot(Node node){ System.out.println("Root changed"); root = node; } private int getRealThreshold(){ return threshold; } public void newEntry(double d, double e, double f, double g, double h, double i, double j, double k, double wallReverse, boolean vb){ //System.out.println("newEntry"); //if (!vb){ leaves++; weightedLeaves += vb ? 1 : 5; //System.out.println("add new leaf " + leaves); Leaf leaf = new Leaf(d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,wallReverse); leaf.weigth = vb ? 1 : 5; buffer.add(leaf); treeThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); /* //root.accept(new TreeAddVisitor(leaf)); if (!bufferingEntry){ TreeAddVisitor v =new TreeAddVisitor(leaf); v.test(); // Thread p = new Thread(v); // p.start(); // me.addCustomEvent(v); //} } else { buffer.add(leaf); }*/ } public void run(){ quitThread=false; if (!RUMBLE) System.out.println("Tree started"); while(!quitThread){ if(!rebuildingInProcess){ if (buffer.size()>0){ // System.out.println(buffer.size()); Leaf leaf = (Leaf)buffer.get(0); buffer.remove(leaf); TreeAddVisitor v = new TreeAddVisitor(leaf); addingInProcess = true; v.test(); addingInProcess = false; } else treeThread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); } } } public int getPeak(double d, double e, double f, double g, double h, double i, double j, double k, double wallReverse){ Leaf leaf = new Leaf(d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,wallReverse); return getPeak(leaf); } public int getPeak(Leaf leaf){ if (leaves == 0) return GF_ZERO; TreePeakVisitor peak = new TreePeakVisitor(leaf); root.accept(peak); return peak.getPeak(); } public void clean(){ TreeCleanerVisitor v = new TreeCleanerVisitor(); root.accept(v); if (!RUMBLE) System.out.println("NPTN:"+v.nptn+"|PTN:"+v.ptn); } public void populate(){ TreeVisitor v = new TreePopulatorVisitor(); root.accept(v); } public void rebuild(){ if (!rebuild) return; //root.accept(new TreeRebuildVisitor()); bufferingEntry = true; TreeRebuildVisitor visitor = new TreeRebuildVisitor(); rebuildThread = new Thread(visitor); while(addingInProcess){}; rebuildThread.start(); rebuildThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); //me.addCustomEvent(visitor); //visitor.priority=50; } public void endRound(){ quitThread=true; if (!RUMBLE) System.out.println(buffer.size()+":"+rebuildingInProcess+":"+addingInProcess); } public void setRebuild(boolean rebuild) { this.rebuild = rebuild; } public boolean isRebuilding(){ return ((rebuilding != 0)||start); } public Node save(){ root.accept(new TreeCleanerVisitor()); return root; } public SymbolicTree saveSymbolic(){ TreeSaveSymbolicVisitor v = new TreeSaveSymbolicVisitor(); root.accept(v); return v.getTheNode(); } public void restoreFromSymbolicTree (SymbolicTree sTree){ SymbolicTree.TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor v = TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor(sTree,root,this); Thread restoreThread = new Thread(v); restoreThread.start(); } public void restore(Node node){ node.accept(new TreePopulatorVisitor()); root = node; } public NonPreTerminalNode getNode(int code){ int offset = 0; if (code == -1) return new NonPreTerminalNode(); if (code<ALL_ACCEL.length) return new AccelNode(ALL_ACCEL[code]); offset+=ALL_ACCEL.length; if (code<offset+ALL_DISTANCE.length) return new DistanceNode(ALL_DISTANCE[code-offset]); offset+=ALL_DISTANCE.length; if (code<offset+ALL_VEL.length) return new LatvelNode(ALL_VEL[code-offset]); offset += ALL_VEL.length; if (code<offset+ALL_POWER.length) return new PowerNode(ALL_POWER[code-offset]); offset+=ALL_POWER.length; if (code<offset+ALL_TIME.length) return new MoveTimeNode(ALL_TIME[code-offset]); offset+=ALL_TIME.length; if (code<offset+ALL_VEL.length) return new VelNode(ALL_VEL[code-offset]); offset+=ALL_VEL.length; if (code<offset+ALL_WALL.length) return new WallNode(ALL_WALL[code-offset]); offset+=ALL_WALL.length; if (code<offset+ALL_WALL_REVERSE.length) return new WallReverseNode(ALL_WALL_REVERSE[code-offset]); return null; } /** * @return Returns the start. */ public boolean isStart() { return start; } /** * @param start The start to set. */ public void setStart(boolean start) { this.start = start; } /** * @param verbose The verbose to set. */ public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; } //tree structure abstract class Node implements Serializable { protected int count; protected NodeSegmentation nSeg; public void accept(TreeVisitor v){ count = 0; } /** * @return Returns the count. */ public int getCount() { return count; } /** * @param count The count to set. */ public void setCount(int count) { this.count = count; }; } /** * we need a state pattern here */ public class NonPreTerminalNode extends Node{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2511616405755008534L; protected Node right,left; protected ArrayList[] factors; protected NonPreTerminalNode(){ factors = new ArrayList[GF_ONE+1]; for (int i=0;i<GF_ONE+1;i++) factors[i]=new ArrayList(); if (rebuild){ left = new DynamicNode(); right = new DynamicNode(); left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(); right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(); } else { left = new StaticNode(); right = new StaticNode(); } } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf) { return false; } /** * @return Returns the left. */ public Node getLeft() { return left; } /** * @param left The left to set. */ public void setLeft(Node left) { this.left = left; } /** * @return Returns the right. */ public Node getRight() { return right; } /** * @param right The right to set. */ public void setRight(Node right) { this.right = right; } /** * precond right and left are PreTerminalNode * @param list */ public void fillFactors(ArrayList[] list){ for (int k = 0; k<GF_ONE;k++){ Iterator it = list[k].listIterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ count++; Leaf leaf = ((Leaf); add(leaf); if (goRight(leaf)){ ((PreTerminalNode)right).add(leaf); } else ((PreTerminalNode)left).add(leaf); } } } public void add(Leaf leaf){ factors[(int) FUtils.bindToRange(Math.round((*GF_ZERO),0,GF_ONE)].add(leaf); } public ArrayList[] getLeaves(){ return factors; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see florent.segmentation.DynamicSegmentation.Node#accept(florent.segmentation.DynamicSegmentation.TreeVisitor) */ public void accept(TreeVisitor v) { v.visitNPTN(this); } public int code(){ return -1; } public String toString(){ return "NonPreTerminal root"; } } class StaticNonPreTerminalNode extends NonPreTerminalNode{ private NonPreTerminalNode node; private double[] factors = new double[GF_ONE+1]; public StaticNonPreTerminalNode(NonPreTerminalNode node){ this.node = node; } public void addLeaf(Leaf leaf){ recorder.setWeight(leaf.getWeigth()); recorder.registerVisit(leaf.getGf(),factors); } public void accept(TreeVisitor v) { v.visitSNPTN(this); v.visitNPTN(node); } public int code(){ return node.code(); } } class DistanceNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3017031763049964074L; protected double distance; public DistanceNode(double distance){ this.distance= distance; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getDistance()>distance; } /** * @return Returns the distance. */ public double getDistance() { return distance; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_DISTANCE,distance)+ALL_ACCEL.length; } public String toString(){ return "Distance:"+distance; } } class AccelNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -5774124356484777243L; protected double accel; public AccelNode(double accel){ this.accel=accel; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getAccel()>accel; } public double getAccel(){ return accel; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_ACCEL,accel); } public String toString(){ return "Acceleration:"+accel; } } class VelNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 943213232679268372L; protected double velocity; public VelNode(double velocity){ this.velocity=velocity; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getVelocity()>velocity; } public double getVelocity(){ return velocity; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_VEL,velocity)+ALL_ACCEL.length+ALL_DISTANCE.length+ALL_VEL.length+ALL_POWER.length+ALL_TIME.length; } public String toString(){ return "Velocity:"+velocity; } } class LatvelNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2699104696000932491L; protected double latvel; public LatvelNode(double latvel){ this.latvel=latvel; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getLatvel()>latvel; } public double getLatvel(){ return latvel; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_VEL,latvel)+ALL_ACCEL.length+ALL_DISTANCE.length; } public String toString(){ return "Lateral Velocity:"+latvel; } } class MoveTimeNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -403423486376627154L; protected double move; public MoveTimeNode(double move){ this.move=move; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getMoveTime()>move; } public double getMoveTime(){ return move; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_TIME,move)+ALL_ACCEL.length+ALL_DISTANCE.length+ALL_VEL.length+ALL_POWER.length; } public String toString(){ return "Move Time:"+move; } } class PowerNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4244374812884848001L; protected double power; public PowerNode(double power){ this.power=power; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getFirePower()>power/50d; } public double getPower(){ return power; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_POWER,power)+ALL_ACCEL.length+ALL_DISTANCE.length+ALL_VEL.length; } public String toString(){ return "Power:"+power; } } class WallNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2695158178698601457L; protected double wall; public WallNode(double wall){ this.wall= wall; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getWallIndex()>wall; } public double getWall(){ return wall; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_WALL,wall)+ALL_ACCEL.length+ALL_DISTANCE.length+ALL_VEL.length+ALL_POWER.length+ALL_TIME.length+ALL_VEL.length; } public String toString(){ return "Wall:"+wall; } } class WallReverseNode extends NonPreTerminalNode { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2695158178698601457L; protected double wall; public WallReverseNode(double wall){ this.wall= wall; } public boolean goRight(Leaf leaf){ return leaf.getWallIndex()>wall; } public double getWall(){ return wall; } public int code(){ return Arrays.binarySearch(ALL_WALL_REVERSE,wall)+ALL_ACCEL.length+ALL_DISTANCE.length+ALL_VEL.length+ALL_POWER.length+ALL_TIME.length+ALL_VEL.length+ALL_WALL.length; } public String toString(){ return "Wall Reverse:"+wall; } } abstract class PreTerminalNode extends Node{ /** * */ protected Leaf leaf; protected boolean done = false; public boolean isDone(){ return done; } /** * @param leaf The leaf to set. */ public void setLeaf(Leaf leaf) { this.leaf = leaf; } public abstract void add(Leaf leaf); public abstract int getPeak(); public void fillFactors(ArrayList[] list){ for (int k = 0; k<GF_ONE;k++){ Iterator it = list[k].listIterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ add((Leaf); } } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see florent.segmentation.DynamicSegmentation.Node#accept(florent.segmentation.DynamicSegmentation.TreeVisitor) */ public void accept(TreeVisitor v) { v.visitPTN(this); } } class StaticNode extends PreTerminalNode{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -8584356499226512475L; private double[] factors; public StaticNode(){ factors = new double[GF_ONE+1]; if (verbose) System.out.println("new static node"); } public void add(Leaf leaf) { recorder.setWeight(leaf.getWeigth()); recorder.registerVisit(leaf.getGf(),factors); } public int getPeak(){ int bestGF = (int)(GF_ZERO*(6d/5d)); double bestVal = 0; int halfWidth = (int)Math.floor(Math.atan(18d/leaf.distance)*GF_ONE); for (int gf = GF_ONE; gf > 0; gf--){ double tmp = 0; // for (int i = Math.max(1, gf-halfWidth); i <= Math.min(gf+halfWidth, GF_ONE); i++){ tmp += factors[gf]; if (tmp > bestVal){ bestGF = gf; bestVal = tmp; } // } } return bestGF; } } class DynamicNode extends PreTerminalNode implements Runnable{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3948835283424191222L; /** * */ private ArrayList[] factors; private Leaf leaf; private boolean done = false; private boolean accelDone=false,velDone=false,latvelDone=false,distanceDone=false,powerDone=false,wallDone=false,moveDone=false,wallReverseDone=false; private double minAccel1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,minVel1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minLatvel1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minDistance1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minPower1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minWall1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minMove1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minWallReverse1 = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; private double maxAccel1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,maxVel1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxLatvel1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxDistance1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxPower1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxWall1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxMove1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxWallReverse1 = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; public DynamicNode(){ factors = new ArrayList[GF_ONE+1]; for (int i=0;i<=GF_ONE;i++) factors[i]=new ArrayList(); } public DynamicNode(ArrayList[] factors){ this.factors = factors; } public boolean isDone(){ return done; } /** * @param leaf The leaf to set. */ public void setLeaf(Leaf leaf) { this.leaf = leaf; } /** * @return Returns the factors. */ public ArrayList[] getFactors() { return factors; } public void add(Leaf leaf){ //for (int i =0 ;i<leaf.weigth ;i++) try{ factors[(int) FUtils.bindToRange((int)(FUtils.bindToRange(leaf.getGf(),-1,1)*GF_ZERO+GF_ZERO),0,GF_ONE)].add(leaf); /* minAccel1 = Math.min(minAccel1,leaf.accel); minVel1 = Math.min(minVel1,leaf.velocity); minLatvel1 = Math.min(minLatvel1,leaf.latvel); minDistance1 = Math.min(minDistance1,leaf.distance); minWall1 = Math.min(minWall1,leaf.wallIndex); minWallReverse1 = Math.min(minWallReverse1,leaf.wallReverse); minMove1 = Math.min(minMove1,leaf.moveTime); minPower1 = Math.min(minPower1,leaf.firePower); maxAccel1 = Math.max(maxAccel1,leaf.accel); maxVel1 = Math.max(maxVel1,leaf.velocity); maxLatvel1 = Math.max(maxLatvel1,leaf.latvel); maxDistance1 = Math.max(maxDistance1,leaf.distance); maxWall1 = Math.max(maxWall1,leaf.wallIndex); maxWallReverse1 = Math.max(maxWallReverse1,leaf.wallReverse); maxMove1 = Math.max(maxMove1,leaf.moveTime); maxPower1 = Math.max(maxPower1,leaf.firePower);*/ // System.out.println(minAccel1+"/"+maxAccel1+":"+minAccel+"|"+minVel1+"/"+maxVel1); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("gf"+leaf.getGf()+"\n"+e); } } public int getPeak(){ /* int idx = GF_ONE; int val = 0; int best = 0; for (int i=GF_ONE;i>-1;i--){ val = 0; if (i==GF_ONE) val = 2*factors[GF_ONE].size()+factors[GF_ONE-1].size(); else if (i==0) val = 2*factors[0].size()+factors[1].size(); else val=factors[i-1].size()+factors[i].size()+factors[i+1].size(); if (val>best){ idx = i; best = val; } } */ int bestGF = (int)(GF_ZERO*(6d/5d)); double bestVal = 0; int halfWidth = (int)Math.floor(Math.atan(18d/leaf.distance)*GF_ONE); for (int gf = GF_ONE; gf > 0; gf--){ double tmp = 0; // for (int i = Math.max(1, gf-halfWidth); i <= Math.min(gf+halfWidth, GF_ONE); i++){ tmp += factors[gf].size(); if (tmp > bestVal){ bestGF = gf; bestVal = tmp; } // } } return bestGF; } public void run(){ split(); } public NonPreTerminalNode split(){ rebuilding++; start = false; accelDone=velDone=latvelDone=powerDone=wallDone=moveDone=distanceDone=wallReverseDone = false; /* accelDone = maxAccel1-minAccel1 < minAccel; velDone = maxVel1- minVel1 > minVel; latvelDone = maxLatvel1- minLatvel1 < minLatvel; powerDone = maxPower1- minPower1 < minPower; wallDone = maxWall1- minWall1 < minWall; wallReverseDone = maxWallReverse1- minWallReverse1 < minWallReverse; distanceDone = maxDistance1- minDistance1 < minDistance; moveDone = maxMove1- minMove1 < minTime; */ if (accelDone&&velDone&&latvelDone&&powerDone&&wallDone&&moveDone&&distanceDone&&wallReverseDone) return null; ArrayList accelArray = accelDone ? null : new ArrayList() ; ArrayList velArray = velDone ? null : new ArrayList(); ArrayList latvelArray = latvelDone ? null : new ArrayList(); ArrayList powerArray = powerDone ? null : new ArrayList(); ArrayList wallArray = wallDone ? null : new ArrayList(); ArrayList wallReverseArray = wallReverseDone ? null : new ArrayList(); ArrayList moveArray = moveDone ? null : new ArrayList(); ArrayList distanceArray = distanceDone ? null : new ArrayList(); // Iterator it; for (int i=0;i<=GF_ONE;i++){ //it = factors[i].listIterator(); //while(it.hasNext()){ // Leaf leaf = (Leaf); for (int j=0;j<factors[i].size();j++){ Leaf leaf = (Leaf)factors[i].get(j); if (!accelDone) accelArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getAccel())); if (!velDone) velArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getVelocity())); if (!latvelDone) latvelArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getLatvel())); if (!powerDone) powerArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getFirePower())); if (!wallDone) wallArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getWallIndex())); if (!wallReverseDone) wallReverseArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getWallReverse())); if (!moveDone) moveArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getMoveTime())); if (!distanceDone) distanceArray.add(new java.lang.Double(leaf.getDistance())); } } if (!accelDone) Collections.sort(accelArray); if (!velDone) Collections.sort(velArray); if (!latvelDone) Collections.sort(latvelArray); if (!powerDone) Collections.sort(powerArray); if (!wallDone) Collections.sort(wallArray); if (!wallReverseDone) Collections.sort(wallReverseArray); if (!moveDone) Collections.sort(moveArray); if (!distanceDone) Collections.sort(distanceArray); //TODO add checks for minimum width of segmentation and an attribute to tell if the node can be split any further accelDone = accelDone ? accelDone : Math.abs(((Double)accelArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)accelArray.get(accelArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minAccel; latvelDone = latvelDone ? latvelDone : Math.abs(((Double)latvelArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)latvelArray.get(latvelArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minLatvel; velDone = velDone ? velDone : Math.abs(((Double)velArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)velArray.get(velArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minVel; distanceDone = distanceDone ? distanceDone : Math.abs(((Double)distanceArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)distanceArray.get(distanceArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minDistance; powerDone = powerDone ? powerDone : Math.abs(((Double)powerArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)powerArray.get(powerArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minPower; moveDone = moveDone ? moveDone : Math.abs(((Double)moveArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)moveArray.get(moveArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minTime; wallDone = wallDone ? wallDone : Math.abs(((Double)wallArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)wallArray.get(wallArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minWall; wallReverseDone = wallReverseDone ? wallReverseDone : Math.abs(((Double)wallReverseArray.get(0)).doubleValue()-((Double)wallReverseArray.get(wallReverseArray.size()-1)).doubleValue())<minWallReverse; if (accelDone&&velDone&&latvelDone&&powerDone&&wallDone&&moveDone&&distanceDone&&wallReverseDone) return null; double accelMean =accelDone ? -1000 : FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_ACCEL,((java.lang.Double)(accelArray.get(accelArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); double velMean =velDone ? -1000 :FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_VEL,((java.lang.Double)(velArray.get(velArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); double latvelMean =latvelDone ? -1000 :FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_VEL,((java.lang.Double)(latvelArray.get(latvelArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); double powerMean =powerDone ? -1000 :FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_POWER,((java.lang.Double)(powerArray.get(powerArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); double wallMean =wallDone ? -1000 :FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_WALL,((java.lang.Double)(wallArray.get(wallArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); double wallReverseMean =wallReverseDone ? -1000 :FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_WALL_REVERSE,((java.lang.Double)(wallReverseArray.get(wallReverseArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); double moveMean =moveDone ? -1000 :FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_TIME,((java.lang.Double)(moveArray.get(moveArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); double distanceMean =distanceDone ? -1000 :FUtils.closestBorder(ALL_DISTANCE,((java.lang.Double)(distanceArray.get(distanceArray.size()/2))).doubleValue()); AccelNode accelNode = accelDone ? null :new AccelNode(accelMean); MoveTimeNode moveNode = moveDone ? null : new MoveTimeNode(moveMean); VelNode velNode = velDone ? null : new VelNode(velMean); LatvelNode latvelNode = latvelDone ? null : new LatvelNode(latvelMean); PowerNode powerNode = powerDone ? null : new PowerNode(powerMean); WallNode wallNode = wallDone ? null : new WallNode(wallMean); WallReverseNode wallReverseNode = wallReverseDone ? null : new WallReverseNode(wallReverseMean); DistanceNode distanceNode = distanceDone ? null : new DistanceNode(distanceMean); if (!accelDone) accelNode.fillFactors(factors); if (!moveDone) moveNode.fillFactors(factors); if (!velDone) velNode.fillFactors(factors); if (!latvelDone) latvelNode.fillFactors(factors); if (!powerDone) powerNode.fillFactors(factors); if (!wallDone) wallNode.fillFactors(factors); if (!wallReverseDone) wallReverseNode.fillFactors(factors); if (!distanceDone) distanceNode.fillFactors(factors); double[] factorsCount = getFactorsCount(); double accel =accelDone || FUtils.isConstant(accelArray) ? 0 : getGain(accelNode,factorsCount); double vel = velDone || FUtils.isConstant(velArray) ? 0 :getGain(velNode,factorsCount); double latvel = latvelDone || FUtils.isConstant(latvelArray) ? 0 : getGain(latvelNode,factorsCount); double dist = distanceDone || FUtils.isConstant(distanceArray) ? 0 : getGain(distanceNode,factorsCount); double power = powerDone || FUtils.isConstant(powerArray) ? 0 : getGain(powerNode,factorsCount); double move = moveDone || FUtils.isConstant(moveArray) ? 0 : getGain(moveNode,factorsCount); double wall = wallDone || FUtils.isConstant(wallArray) ? 0 : getGain(wallNode,factorsCount); double wallReverse = wallReverseDone || FUtils.isConstant(wallReverseArray) ? 0 : getGain(wallReverseNode,factorsCount); NonPreTerminalNode best;// = new NonDynamicNode(maxAccel,maxDistance,maxFirePower,maxLatVel,maxMoveTime,maxVelocity,maxWallIndex,minAccel,minDistance,minFirePower,minLatVel,minMoveTime,minVelocity,minWallIndex); if (verbose) System.out.print("Splitting on acceleration..."); best = accelNode; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=accelMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highAcceleration=accelMean; best.right.nSeg.lowAcceleration=accelMean; } double bestGain = accel; if (vel>=bestGain || best == null){ if (verbose) System.out.print("NO/velocity..."); best=velNode; bestGain = vel; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=velMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highVelocity=velMean; best.right.nSeg.lowVelocity=velMean; } } if (latvel>=bestGain || best == null){ if (verbose) System.out.print("NO/lateral velocity..."); best=latvelNode; bestGain = latvel; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=latvelMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highLateralVelocity=latvelMean; best.right.nSeg.lowLateralVelocity=latvelMean; } } if (dist>=bestGain || best == null){ if (verbose) System.out.print("NO/distance..."); best=distanceNode; bestGain = dist; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=distanceMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highDistance=distanceMean; best.right.nSeg.lowDistance=distanceMean; } } if (power>=bestGain || best == null){ if (verbose) System.out.print("NO/fire power..."); best=powerNode; bestGain = power; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=powerMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highPower=powerMean; best.right.nSeg.lowPower=powerMean; } } if (move>=bestGain || best == null){ if (verbose) System.out.print("NO/move time..."); best=moveNode; bestGain = move; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=moveMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highTime=moveMean; best.right.nSeg.lowTime=moveMean; } } if (wall>=bestGain || best == null){ if (verbose) System.out.print("NO/wall..."); best=wallNode; bestGain = wall; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=wallMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highWall=wallMean; best.right.nSeg.lowWall=wallMean; } } if (wallReverse>=bestGain || best == null){ if (verbose) System.out.print("NO/wall reverse..."); best=wallReverseNode; bestGain = wallReverse; if (best != null){ best.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.nSeg.decisionValue=wallReverseMean; best.left.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.right.nSeg=new NodeSegmentation(nSeg); best.left.nSeg.highWallReverse=wallReverseMean; best.right.nSeg.lowWallReverse=wallReverseMean; } } if (verbose) System.out.println("YES"); if (bestGain == 0) return null; Node son; try{ if (best.getRight().getCount()>getRealThreshold() && (son=((DynamicNode) best.getRight()).split()) != null) best.setRight(son); if (best.getLeft().getCount()>getRealThreshold() && (son=((DynamicNode) best.getLeft()).split())!=null) best.setLeft(son); } catch (Exception e){System.out.println(e+"\n"+bestGain+best+"\n"+accel+accelDone+accelNode+"\n"+vel+velDone+velNode+"\n"+latvel+latvelDone+latvelNode+"\n"+dist+distanceDone+distanceNode+"\n"+power+powerDone+powerNode+"\n"+wall+wallDone+wallNode+"\n"+move+moveDone+moveNode);} rebuilding--; return best; } /** * precond node kids are DynamicNodes * @param node * @param factorsCount * @return */ private double getGain(NonPreTerminalNode node,double[] factorsCount){ DynamicNode right,left; right = (DynamicNode) node.getRight(); left = (DynamicNode) node.getLeft(); double[][] seg = new double[2][GF_ONE+1]; seg[0] = right.getFactorsCount(); seg[1] = left.getFactorsCount(); return FUtils.informationGain(factorsCount,seg); } public int getCount(){ double[] factorsCount = getFactorsCount(); int val = 0; for (int i=0;i<GF_ONE+1;i++) val += factorsCount[i]; return val; } public double[] getFactorsCount(){ double[] factorsCount= new double[GF_ONE+1]; for (int i=0;i<GF_ONE+1;i++){ factorsCount[i] = factors[i].size(); } return factorsCount; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see florent.segmentation.DynamicSegmentation.Node#accept(florent.segmentation.DynamicSegmentation.TreeVisitor) */ public void accept(TreeVisitor v) { v.visitPTN(this); } } class Leaf implements Serializable{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8764985023831432109L; private double accel; private double velocity; private double latvel; private double distance; private double firePower; private double wallIndex; private double gf; private double moveTime; private double weigth; private double wallReverse; /** * @param accel * @param distance * @param power * @param gf * @param latvel * @param time * @param velocity * @param index */ public Leaf(double accel, double distance, double power, double gf, double latvel, double time, double velocity, double index, double wallReverse) { this.accel = accel; this.distance = distance; firePower = power; = gf; this.latvel = Math.abs(latvel); moveTime = time; this.velocity = Math.abs(velocity); wallIndex = index; this.wallReverse=wallReverse; } /** * @return Returns the accel. */ public double getAccel() { return accel; } /** * @return Returns the distance. */ public double getDistance() { return distance; } /** * @return Returns the firePower. */ public double getFirePower() { return firePower; } /** * @return Returns the latvel. */ public double getLatvel() { return latvel; } /** * @return Returns the velocity. */ public double getVelocity() { return velocity; } /** * @return Returns the wallIndex. */ public double getWallIndex() { return wallIndex; } /** * @return Returns the gf. */ public double getGf() { return gf; } /** * @return Returns the moveTime. */ public double getMoveTime() { return moveTime; } public double getWeigth() { return weigth; } public void setWeigth(double weigth) { this.weigth = weigth; } public double getWallReverse() { return wallReverse; } } //visitor pattern for the tree abstract class TreeVisitor extends Condition{ public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){if (verbose)System.out.println(node.left+"|"+node.right);}; public void visitSNPTN(StaticNonPreTerminalNode node){}; public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node){if (verbose)System.out.println("counts:"+node.getCount());}; public boolean test(){ return false; } } //implements the visit based on a leaf class TreeLeafVisitor extends TreeVisitor{ protected Leaf leaf; protected NonPreTerminalNode father; protected boolean done =false; protected PreTerminalNode theNode; public TreeLeafVisitor(Leaf leaf){ this.leaf=leaf; } public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){ father = node; if (node.goRight(leaf)){ node.getRight().accept(this); } else node.getLeft().accept(this); }; public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node){ theNode = node; node.setLeaf(leaf); done = true; }; public PreTerminalNode getNode(){ while (!done){}; return theNode; } } class TreeAddVisitor extends TreeLeafVisitor implements Runnable{ private boolean running = false; public TreeAddVisitor(Leaf leaf){ super(leaf); } public boolean test(){ if (!running){ running=true; root.accept(this); me.removeCustomEvent(this); } return false; } public void run(){ running=true; root.accept(this); running=false; } public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){ father = node; node.setCount((int) (node.getCount()+leaf.weigth)); node.add(leaf); if (node.goRight(leaf)){ node.getRight().accept(this); } else node.getLeft().accept(this); }; public void visitSNTPN(StaticNonPreTerminalNode node){ node.addLeaf(leaf); } public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node){ if (dynamicTree) for (int i =0 ;i<leaf.weigth ;i++) node.add(leaf); else node.add(leaf); node.setCount((int) (node.getCount()+leaf.weigth)); if (rebuild&&dynamicTree){ //System.out.println(node.getCount()); if (node.getCount() > getRealThreshold()){ Node son = ((DynamicNode) node).split(); if (node.equals(father.getRight())&& son!= null){ father.setRight(son); if (verbose) { double[] factorsCount = ((DynamicNode) node).getFactorsCount(); System.out.println("split"+((PreTerminalNode)((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getRight())).getRight()).getCount()+"/"+((PreTerminalNode)((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getRight())).getLeft()).getCount()); double[] factorsCountRight = ((DynamicNode) ((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getRight())).getRight()).getFactorsCount(); double[] factorsCountLeft = ((DynamicNode)((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getRight())).getLeft()).getFactorsCount(); System.out.print(FUtils.doubleArrayToString(factorsCount)+"\n"+FUtils.doubleArrayToString(factorsCountLeft)+"|"+FUtils.doubleArrayToString(factorsCountRight)); } } else if (son!=null){ father.setLeft(son); if (verbose){ double[] factorsCount = ((DynamicNode) node).getFactorsCount(); System.out.println("split"+((PreTerminalNode)((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getLeft())).getRight()).getCount()+"/"+((PreTerminalNode)((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getLeft())).getLeft()).getCount()); double[] factorsCountRight = ((DynamicNode)((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getLeft())).getRight()).getFactorsCount(); double[] factorsCountLeft = ((DynamicNode)((NonPreTerminalNode)(father.getLeft())).getLeft()).getFactorsCount(); System.out.print(FUtils.doubleArrayToString(factorsCount)+"\n"+FUtils.doubleArrayToString(factorsCountLeft)+"\n"+FUtils.doubleArrayToString(factorsCountRight)+"\n"); } } } } }; } //TODO modify to allow static tree && use NPTN node as well as PTN node class TreePeakVisitor extends TreeLeafVisitor{ private int idx; private ArrayList factorsList = new ArrayList(15); public TreePeakVisitor(Leaf leaf){ super(leaf); } public void visitSNTPN(StaticNonPreTerminalNode node){ factorsList.add(node.factors); } public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node){ node.setLeaf(leaf); if (!dynamicTree) factorsList.add(((StaticNode)node).factors); idx = node.getPeak(); }; public int getPeak(){ if (!dynamicTree){ double[][] buffers = (double[][]) factorsList.toArray(); // for (int i=0;i<factorsList.size();i++){ // buffers[i]=(double[])factorsList.get(i); // } double bestVal=0; idx = (int) (GF_ZERO*(6d/5d)); for (int gf = 0;gf<GF_ONE;gf++){ double tmp = 0; for (int i=0;i<factorsList.size();i++){ tmp += 1000*buffers[i][gf]/Math.max(1,buffers[i][0]); } if (tmp>bestVal){ bestVal = tmp; idx = gf; } } } return idx; } } class TreeCleanerVisitor extends TreeVisitor{ NonPreTerminalNode father; int nptn,ptn; public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){ nptn++; father = node; if (node.getRight()!=null) node.getRight().accept(this); if (node.getLeft()!=null) node.getLeft().accept(this); }; public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node){ ptn++; if (node.equals(father.getRight())){ father.setRight(null); } else { father.setLeft(null); } }; } class TreePopulatorVisitor extends TreeVisitor{ public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){ if (node.getRight() == null) node.setRight(new StaticNode()); else node.getRight().accept(this); if (node.getLeft() == null) node.setLeft(new StaticNode()); else node.getLeft().accept(this); }; } /** * * @author Florent Lacroute * called only when reubild == true */ class TreeRebuildVisitor extends TreeVisitor implements Runnable{ private NonPreTerminalNode father; private int MAX_REBUILD = weightedLeaves<10000 ? weightedLeaves+1: threshold*16; private int MIN_REBUILD = getRealThreshold(); private boolean running = false; private double startTime; private int heigth = 0; public void run(){ startTime=me.getTime(); running = true; rebuildingInProcess=true; root.accept(this); rebuildingInProcess=false; bufferingEntry = false; /* for (int i = 0; i<buffer.size();i++){ TreeAddVisitor v = new TreeAddVisitor((Leaf)buffer.get(i)); v.test(); } buffer.clear(); */ running = false; if (!RUMBLE) System.out.println("tree rebuilded:"+(me.getTime()-startTime)+"|maxRebuild"+MAX_REBUILD+"|weightedLeaves:"+weightedLeaves); if (saveToFile || showSegementation){ TreeSegmentationVisitor v = new TreeSegmentationVisitor(); v.seg = new Segmentation(); root.accept(v); System.out.println(v.seg.toString()); if (saveToFile){ try{ File file = me.getDataFile("seg"); RobocodeFileOutputStream o = new RobocodeFileOutputStream(file); OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(o); out.write(v.ptnSeg); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}; } } } public boolean test(){ if (!running){ running=true; root.accept(this); me.removeCustomEvent(this); } return false; } public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){ if (quitThread) return; if ((node.getCount()<MAX_REBUILD)&&(node.getCount()>MIN_REBUILD)){ if (verbose) System.out.println("rebuild"); // TreeCollectorVisitor v = new TreeCollectorVisitor(node); // node.accept(v); // while (!v.isDone()){} // DynamicNode newNode = new DynamicNode(v.getLeaves()); DynamicNode newNode = new DynamicNode(node.getLeaves()); newNode.nSeg = new NodeSegmentation(node.nSeg); if (verbose) System.out.println(FUtils.doubleArrayToString(newNode.getFactorsCount())); Node theNode= newNode.split(); if (theNode == null) return; if (father == null){ node.setRight(new DynamicNode()); node.setLeft(theNode); } else if (father.getRight().equals(node)){ father.setRight(theNode); // ((NonPreTerminalNode) father.getRight()).getRight().accept(this); // ((NonPreTerminalNode) father.getRight()).getLeft().accept(this); } else if (father.getLeft().equals(node)){ father.setLeft(theNode); // ((NonPreTerminalNode) father.getLeft()).getRight().accept(this); // ((NonPreTerminalNode) father.getLeft()).getLeft().accept(this); } } else { father = node; if (!RUMBLE){ String space = ""; for (int i=0;i<heigth;i++) space +=" "; System.out.println("No more rebuild for "+space+node.toString()); } heigth++; if (node.getRight() != null) node.getRight().accept(this); if (node.getLeft() != null) node.getLeft().accept(this); heigth--; } }; public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node) { try { visitPTN((DynamicNode)node); } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("inappropriate use of TreeRebuildVisitor"+e); } } public void visitPTN(DynamicNode node){ Node son ; if (node.getCount() > threshold && (son=node.split()) != null){ if (node.equals(father.getRight())){ father.setRight(son); } else if (son!=null){ father.setLeft(son); } } }; } /** * used only on dynamic trees */ class TreeCollectorVisitor extends TreeVisitor{ private ArrayList[] leaves; private boolean done = false; private int count; public TreeCollectorVisitor(Node node){ leaves = new ArrayList[GF_ONE+1]; count = node.getCount(); for (int i=0;i<GF_ONE+1;i++){ leaves[i] = new ArrayList(); } } public boolean isDone(){ return done; } /** * @return Returns the leaves. */ public ArrayList[] getLeaves() { return leaves; } public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){ if (node.getRight() != null) node.getRight().accept(this); if (node.getLeft() != null) node.getLeft().accept(this); }; public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node) { try { visitPTN((DynamicNode)node); } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("inappropriate use of TreeCollectorVisitor"+e); } } public void visitPTN(DynamicNode node){ ArrayList[] all = node.getFactors(); int size = 0; for (int i=0;i<all.length;i++){ leaves[i].addAll(all[i]); size += leaves[i].size(); } if (count==size) done =true; }; } public class TreeSegmentationVisitor extends TreeVisitor{ Segmentation seg; String ptnSeg = ""; public TreeSegmentationVisitor(){ } public void visitPTN(PreTerminalNode node) { ptnSeg += node.nSeg.toString()+"\n"; } public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node) { if (node.getLeft() != null) node.getLeft().accept(this); if (node instanceof DistanceNode) { DistanceNode node2 = (DistanceNode) node; seg.addDistance(node2.getDistance()); } if (node instanceof PowerNode) { PowerNode node2 = (PowerNode) node; seg.addPower(node2.getPower()); } if (node instanceof WallNode) { WallNode node2 = (WallNode) node; seg.addWall(node2.getWall()); } if (node instanceof WallReverseNode) { WallReverseNode node2 = (WallReverseNode) node; seg.addWallReverse(node2.getWall()); } if (node instanceof VelNode) { VelNode node2 = (VelNode) node; seg.addVelocity(node2.getVelocity()); } if (node instanceof LatvelNode) { LatvelNode node2 = (LatvelNode) node; seg.addLateralVelocity(node2.getLatvel()); } if (node instanceof MoveTimeNode) { MoveTimeNode node2 = (MoveTimeNode) node; seg.addMove(node2.getMoveTime()); } if (node instanceof AccelNode) { AccelNode node2 = (AccelNode) node; seg.addAcceleration(node2.getAccel()); } if (node.getRight() != null) node.getRight().accept(this); } } public class TreeSaveSymbolicVisitor extends TreeVisitor{ SymbolicTree right,left,theNode; public void visitNPTN(NonPreTerminalNode node){ theNode = new SymbolicTree(node.code()); if (node.left!=null){ TreeSaveSymbolicVisitor visitorLeft = new TreeSaveSymbolicVisitor(); node.left.accept(visitorLeft); theNode.setLeft(visitorLeft.theNode); } if (node.right!=null){ TreeSaveSymbolicVisitor visitorRight = new TreeSaveSymbolicVisitor(); node.right.accept(visitorRight); theNode.setRight(visitorRight.theNode); } } public SymbolicTree getTheNode() { return theNode; }; } } class SymbolicTree implements Serializable{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -7361823116265138539L; private byte code; private SymbolicTree left,right; public SymbolicTree(int code){ this.code=(byte)code; } public SymbolicTree getLeft() { return left; } public void setLeft(SymbolicTree left) { this.left = left; } public SymbolicTree getRight() { return right; } public void setRight(SymbolicTree right) { this.right = right; } public int getCode() { return code; } public void accept(TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor v){ v.visit(this); } //TODO test this public class TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor implements Runnable{ private SegmentationTree.Node root; private SegmentationTree.NonPreTerminalNode newNode; private SegmentationTree fullTree; private SymbolicTree tree; // public TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor(){}; public TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor(SymbolicTree tree,SegmentationTree.Node root,SegmentationTree fullTree){ this.tree=tree; this.root = root; this.fullTree=fullTree; } public void visit(SymbolicTree node){ //TODO add a decorator pattern to Node to allow to register hits at different heights in the tree newNode = fullTree.getNode(node.code);// StaticNonPreTerminalNode(fullTree.getNode(node.code)); System.out.println(newNode.toString()+"|symbolic code:"+node.code); if (node.left != null){ TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor v = new TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor(null,null,fullTree); node.left.accept(v); newNode.left=v.newNode; } else { newNode.left = StaticNode(); } if (node.right!=null){ TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor v = new TreeRestoreSymbolicVisitor(null,null,fullTree); node.right.accept(v); newNode.right=v.newNode; } else { newNode.right = StaticNode(); } } public void run() { tree.accept(this); fullTree.setRoot(newNode); } } } class Segmentation { HashSet wallSlices = new HashSet(),wallReverseSlices = new HashSet(),distanceSlices = new HashSet(),velocitySlices = new HashSet(),lateralVelocitySlices = new HashSet(),accelerationSlices = new HashSet(),powerSlices = new HashSet(),moveTimeSlices = new HashSet(); public void addDistance(double distance){ distanceSlices.add(new Double(distance)); } public void addWall(double wall){ wallSlices.add(new Double(wall)); } public void addWallReverse(double wall){ wallReverseSlices.add(new Double(wall)); } public void addVelocity(double velocity){ velocitySlices.add(new Double(velocity)); } public void addLateralVelocity(double lateralVelocity){ lateralVelocitySlices.add(new Double(lateralVelocity)); } public void addAcceleration(double acceleration){ accelerationSlices.add(new Double(acceleration)); } public void addPower(double power){ powerSlices.add(new Double(power)); } public void addMove(double move){ moveTimeSlices.add(new Double(move)); } public String toString(){ String res = "wall"; for (Iterator it = wallSlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } res+="\nwall reverse"; for (Iterator it = wallReverseSlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } res+="\ndistance"; for (Iterator it = distanceSlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } res+="\naccel"; for (Iterator it = accelerationSlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } res+="\nvel"; for (Iterator it = velocitySlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } res+="\nlatvel"; for (Iterator it = lateralVelocitySlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } res+="\npower"; for (Iterator it = powerSlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } res+="\nmoveTime"; for (Iterator it = moveTimeSlices.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ res += ":"+((Double); } return res; } } class NodeSegmentation{ double lowDistance, highDistance; double lowVelocity, highVelocity; double lowLateralVelocity, highLateralVelocity; double lowAcceleration, highAcceleration; double lowPower,highPower; double lowTime,highTime; double lowWall,highWall; double lowWallReverse,highWallReverse; double decisionValue; public NodeSegmentation(){ lowDistance=lowVelocity=lowLateralVelocity=lowAcceleration=lowPower=lowTime=lowWall=lowWallReverse=Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; highDistance=highVelocity=highLateralVelocity=highAcceleration=highPower=highTime=highWall=highWallReverse=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; }; public NodeSegmentation(NodeSegmentation seg){ lowDistance=seg.lowDistance; highDistance=seg.highDistance; lowVelocity=seg.lowVelocity; highVelocity=seg.highVelocity; lowAcceleration=seg.lowAcceleration; highAcceleration=seg.highAcceleration; lowLateralVelocity=seg.lowLateralVelocity; highLateralVelocity=seg.highLateralVelocity; lowPower=seg.lowPower; highPower=seg.highPower; lowTime=seg.lowTime; highTime=seg.highTime; lowWall=seg.lowWall; highWall=seg.highWall; lowWallReverse=seg.lowWallReverse; highWallReverse=seg.highWallReverse; decisionValue=seg.decisionValue; } public String toString(){ String res = ""; res += "["+lowDistance+":"+highDistance+"]"; res += "["+lowVelocity+":"+highVelocity+"]"; res += "["+lowLateralVelocity+":"+highLateralVelocity+"]"; res += "["+lowAcceleration+":"+highAcceleration+"]"; res += "["+lowPower+":"+highPower+"]"; res += "["+lowTime+":"+highTime+"]"; res += "["+lowWall+":"+highWall+"]"; res += "["+lowWallReverse+":"+highWallReverse+"]"; return res; } }