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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Results dialog420:37, 14 December 2012
Interrupting RoboRunner407:43, 13 December 2012
Calculating Confidence705:49, 13 December 2012
Problem Running RoboRunner623:16, 5 December 2012
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Results dialog

One small comment about the results dialog. I may be abnormal, but I frequently have huge test beds, like 250 bots, or 60 different sets of 9-bot melee battles. Obviously there's no nice way to display 500 columns of scores, but just making sure not to do something ridiculous (like a 5000px wide window, which I think RoboResearch's UI does) would be nice. :-)

Voidious19:19, 8 December 2012

It will be in a scroll pane in a window that has a max size limit on it. Beyond that, do you think there is a better way to show results when there is a huge number of bots?

Skotty19:53, 8 December 2012

Not really, that seems good. At that point you're probably just interested in overall score. But on that note, if "Total" was in some fixed place instead of requiring me to scroll way to the right, that would be nice. :-)

Voidious19:56, 8 December 2012

Noted. Check out the updated screenshot I posted. I will probably have the preferred size set to something like 800 pixels wide for the center scroll pane. In the screenshot it is set to a somewhat small 400 pixels wide just to make testing easier.

Skotty04:31, 9 December 2012

Sorry I missed replying to this, but the updated screenshot looks perfect!

Voidious20:37, 14 December 2012

Interrupting RoboRunner

Something else I'm working on is providing a way to interrupt RoboRunner in the middle of a challenge. I'm not sure in what ways that could potentially mess up RoboRunner yet, but I did have to make a couple of changes to make this work:

First, in order to stop RoboRunner completely (and not just the current battle), I had to make an InterruptedException result in the bypass of all queued battles:

In BattleRunner:

  private void getAllFutures(List<Future<String>> futures) {
    for (Future<String> future : futures) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      } catch (ExecutionException e) {

There might be some additional modification, but for now, I just added a return statement if an InterruptedException occurs (will probably also get rid of the printStackTrace call). This prevents calling get() on all remaining Futures. While I think this was an unexpected condition in RoboRunner, in RoboJogger an InterruptedException is now an expected result whenever a stop command is issued for RoboRunner. A remaining question is, what, if anything, will be broken as a result of this?

Another change I made to ScoreLog, such that trying to access battle results for a "botList" that does not exist will not cause a NullPointerException:

In ScoreLog:

  public List<BattleScore> getBattleScores(String botList) {
    List<BattleScore> scores = _scores.get(botList);
    return (scores == null)? null : ImmutableList.copyOf(_scores.get(botList));

I provided the null check on scores. I was kind of surprised that ImmutableList didn't do that by design. The most likely scenario where this happens is related to my other change -- if a challenge is interrupted before battles have been run against all opponents, when I later access results from the ScoreLog, I am not aware of missing results until the getBattleScores method returns null. I suppose I could have also just added a try/catch in my own code for NullPointerException without having to change RoboRunner, but I felt doing so was not the better way of handling it.

These changes are not finalized. I'm just writing about them for the sake of discussion.

Skotty07:30, 7 December 2012

I just noticed that for getting battle results, there is a method hasBotList(String) method that I could call before trying to get battle scores. This would prevent the NPE without modifying RoboRunner. Given this, I could see arguing either way about whether getBattleScores should throw NPE or return null for a botList that does not exist.

Skotty07:38, 7 December 2012

I don't have a strong opinion about NPE vs returning null - I think the hasBotList is what made me feel ok with leaving the other one NPE-ing, but that doesn't mean it has to. Seems silly to insist you call 2 methods instead of 1.

I'll have to think about the interruption stuff. Are you using the same RoboRunner instance after interrupting and trying to use it again? Certainly that would give me pause and I'd want to look over RoboRunner and BattleRunner to see what internal state might be confused by this. If not, my only worry would be if the interruption came during a file write to the score log. Maybe in the file writing, we need to catch InterruptedException, close the file stream in the catch, and rethrow? I'm not really sure. Maybe Java is already smart enough not to corrupt a file stream when being interrupted? The code you have here makes sense and doesn't raise any red flags besides that.

Voidious19:12, 8 December 2012

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Instead of dealing with interrupted exceptions, robo runner could just provide a cancel flag that gets checked before each get().

Skotty07:43, 13 December 2012

Calculating Confidence

@Voidious -- I'm not sure what your plan for confidence is, but I eagerly went ahead and developed my own confidence calculator. I was looking over your code for calculating confidence and was having trouble following it, so I instead went to my wife's Principles of Biostatistics book and read the chapter on Confidence Intervals. For the sake of simplicity, I will stick with 95% confidence intervals, as that is what you used in your code (that's where the 1.96 comes from) and it seems reasonable. The confidence interval for a single robot turns out to be pretty simple to calculate (in special-character-challenged terms, it is x +- 1.96 * s / sqrt(n), where x is the mean, s is the standard deviation, and n is the sample size). Where it gets more complicated is in calculating the confidence interval for groups and the overall total score.

Lets talk groups first. What I did for a group was to take the first score for each opponent, average them all, and that becomes data point 1. Then take the second score for each opponent, average them, and that becomes data point 2. I determine how many data points to use by calculating the average number of battles for an opponent in the group, rounded. This means some data points for opponents with more scores end up getting thrown away, and some data points for opponents with fewer scores don't have enough scores. For the latter, I use as many extra randomly generated scores as I need where the random score falls within the confidence interval of scores for that particular robot. Once I have all of the data points, I then use the original means for calculating a confidence interval on the collected data points.

Now for the overall total. If there is only 1 group (or no groups, depending on how you look at it), then there is nothing more to do -- use the values calculated for the 1 group. But if there are multiple groups, then what? We should probably respect that the overall total is an average of the group totals. This would end up being just like calculating the group confidence intervals, only treating the groups like the robots.

Did that make sense? How is this different from what what you have done in RoboRunner?

Skotty01:36, 10 December 2012

Heh, well, what I did is a little complicated, but I think it's about the best you can do for a set of bots that each have their own distributions. Basically I run 1,000 or whatever random simulations of the overall score, based on the averages / standard deviations of each individual bot's score distribution. Then I can take those "overall score" samples, supposedly generated from the same distribution as the real scores, and use them as additional samples to calculate the confidence interval of the overall score. It's a fairly basic Monte Carlo method.

Voidious02:23, 10 December 2012

I see there was a discussion about it on the RoboRunner page. I should probably go read that. Never heard of the Monte Carlo method, so I'll look into it.

Skotty02:27, 10 December 2012

I'd heard the term, but it was totally Skilgannon that knew enough to suggest it. Once I looked into it, though, it was pretty simple.

But I also wanted to mention, I was planning to pass some object with all the confidence interval info you might need about the current battle in the new listener. I figured that was among the things you'd want in the application output, since it's among the things I print in the console version. But of course you're free to use whatever you like. :-)

Voidious02:32, 10 December 2012

I'll use it if it's there. I use the ScoreLog to show data from past battles, and wasn't sure if confidence information would also be available from the ScoreLog after your updates. If not, I can keep using my own confidence calculator for past data.

Skotty02:53, 10 December 2012

Hmm. Well first off, I am pretty sure you should make sure you are using the [t-distribution], not the normal distribution. Using that, I would generate a confidence interval for each individual bot. I am nearly certain that there is a way to generate a confidence interval from the mean of several other intervals. I can't remember off the top of my head but I vaguely recall it being something like the square root of the sum of the squares of the standard errors (not standard deviations since the sample size is presumably fairly small). I'll tell you if I can find it.

AW04:11, 10 December 2012 and

I didn't read through them carefully (kind of busy with school), but skimming through them quickly, it appears that the square root of the sum of the variances of the individual distributions is correct.

AW04:51, 13 December 2012

I think that's correct if all of them have the same number of samples. However, with the cool new 'variance minimizer' pairings selection algorithm that isn't necessarily guaranteed. Although you may be right - could you see if your Monte Carlo gives the same results as a root-sum-of-squares, Voidious?

Skilgannon05:49, 13 December 2012

Problem Running RoboRunner

I'm finally at the point where I am trying to actually launch RoboRunner. Currently running into an error I will have to debug. Posting part of the stack trace here in case anyone wants to comment.

Copying missing bots... 0 JAR copies done!
Initializing engine: robocodes\z1... Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at robowiki.runner.BattleRunner.initEngine(
	at robowiki.runner.BattleRunner.<init>(
	at robowiki.runner.RoboRunner.<init>(
	at org.xandercat.roborunner.runner.RoboRunnerService.startRunner(
	at org.xandercat.roborunner.runner.action.LaunchRoboRunnerAction.actionPerformed(
	at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)

And the chunk of relevant code from RoboRunner:

      System.out.print("Initializing engine: " + enginePath + "... ");
      ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command);
      Process battleProcess = builder.start();
      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(
          new InputStreamReader(battleProcess.getInputStream()));
      String processOutput;
      do {
        processOutput = reader.readLine();
      } while (!processOutput.equals(BattleProcess.READY_SIGNAL));

Presumably, the input stream never provided the BattleProcess.READY_SIGNAL. I'll have to do some digging to figure out why. I'm not entirely clear on what the RoboRunner requirements are, but at the moment I am running it under Java 6 with Robocode

Skotty20:31, 5 December 2012

FYI -- line 66 is the while part of the do/while loop.

Skotty20:32, 5 December 2012

I'll take a deeper look later when I'm home. At a glance, it seems like processOutput is coming up null - maybe the condition should be "processOutput != null && ...". What command are you using to launch this?

Voidious21:03, 5 December 2012

Looks like the problem was I didn't have one of the needed Robocode jars in the classpath. Thanks for including source in the RoboRunner jar; that made debugging easier.

Skotty22:16, 5 December 2012

Fixing the classpath fixed the problem I was having. Also, I am running RoboRunner via new RoboRunner(...) and then calling the runBattles() method. I need to dig a little deeper to determine how best to extract the battle results; at the moment it is just letting RoboRunner barf them on System.out. :-)

Skotty22:41, 5 December 2012

One thing is for sure -- it runs oodles faster than RoboResearch. I'm definitely switching. I suppose it may have been possible to branch RoboResearch to run battles a la RoboRunner, but I'm having fun building a new UI, so I'm continuing on.

Skotty22:45, 5 December 2012

Cool, good to hear! I don't think I kept any real test results of speed vs RoboResearch, but I think it was in the range of 20% less time for my bot / system. The smart battles stuff helps too, but it's hard to measure.

Similarly, I had long wanted to update RoboResearch to use the control API instead of launching external Java processes. When I started digging into it, it just looked easier / better / more fun to rewrite from scratch.

Voidious23:16, 5 December 2012
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