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Revision as of 03:40, 4 September 2014 by Tmservo (talk | contribs)

User talk:Tmservo
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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
DiamondFist vs DookiLighting013:22, 29 August 2017
Random Movement experiment101:10, 10 July 2015
Rednaxela kd-tree 24 v 50 300:59, 8 July 2015
Exploit that needs fixing000:33, 26 June 2015
Roborumble Participants023:12, 4 April 2015
Did anyone have trouble logging in302:21, 29 October 2014
Best Beginner MegaBot Contest123:43, 17 September 2014
Wiki postings619:01, 22 July 2014
here's a warning016:28, 20 March 2014
literumble needs update1401:42, 18 March 2014
kms.golden vs basicgfsurfer105:28, 19 December 2013
FoilistMicro vs EpeeistMicro103:04, 19 December 2013
dcbot targeting or gftargetingbot targeting200:43, 19 December 2013
java file multiple class files108:25, 18 December 2013
how do i post source code104:05, 16 December 2013
best robot exactly ten lines407:18, 14 December 2013
how to make a X-tree103:54, 12 December 2013
best guessfactor place102:54, 12 December 2013
pattern surfer002:53, 5 December 2013
proof that literumble win percentage is broken103:23, 30 November 2013
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DiamondFist vs DookiLighting

which is better DiamondFist or DookLighting

Tmservo (talk)14:40, 3 December 2013

Random Movement experiment

Was that Random Movement version a experiment to see how good the the wave surfing is

Tmservo (talk)23:17, 9 July 2015

No, it was mostly to test which bots a flattener would be of help against.

Chase01:10, 10 July 2015

Rednaxela kd-tree 24 v 50

Which is faster for Rednaxela's kd-tree Bucket size 24 or Bucket size 50

Tmservo (talk)17:40, 7 July 2015

24 is probably faster. Though it's largely irrelevant since it's probably going to be faster than anything else in either configuration anyway.

Chase19:01, 7 July 2015

Let me show you something Rednaxela's and Skilgannon's kd-trees are tied in speed. And Skilgannon's kd-tree uses a bucket size of 50. You said lower bucket size is better. Therefore if Skilgannon's kd-tree used a bucket size of 24. It might be faster than Rednaxela's kd-tree.

Tmservo (talk)20:07, 7 July 2015

To be honest, I don't really care.

Chase00:59, 8 July 2015

Exploit that needs fixing

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Roborumble Participants

The number of RoboRumble Participants dropped from over 1100 to 196. Can anybody fix this please?

Tmservo (talk)23:10, 4 April 2015

Did anyone have trouble logging in

Because RoboWiki Forcibly logged me off and wouldn't let me log in until this day Did anyone else have that same problem

Tmservo (talk)09:02, 28 October 2014

From Oct 19th to 24th, the server had an out of disk space condition. That was causing failed logins among other things. That's fixed now.

Rednaxela (talk)14:44, 28 October 2014

This explains my troubles as well. The wiki was complaining about cookies not set and did not let me in.

Do we have a secondary channel to notify admins if something of similar nature will come up again?

Beaming (talk)15:26, 28 October 2014

For my part, I can be contacted at áĺêẍ@śťṙḁṅḡĕãúťǒṃẚṱấ,ćőṃ (remove accents, they're an anti-spam measure). As they posted on Contacts, Voidious and Skilgannon who have the same level of admin access as I do can be contacted at voidious and jkflying respectively on ḡḿẚḭḽ

Rednaxela (talk)02:21, 29 October 2014

Best Beginner MegaBot Contest

Edited by author.
Last edit: 23:43, 17 September 2014
1: You must be a beginner with some coding experience
2: You cannot copy a bot
3: Bot must be GNU GPL any version
4: Participants must sign up now by replying to this thread
5: The winner is the person who creates the best robot
6: Benchmark robots are all 12 wiki. prefix robots including BasicGFSurfer
7: The best robot is the best scoring robot against all 12 wiki. prefix robots
8: 1v1 for all 12 wiki. prefix robots
Tmservo (talk)17:06, 17 September 2014

Tmservo, your categories are not defined and thus make sense only in your head.

Who is qualified as beginner? What is the metric? Is it a time devoted to robocode or success of a typical bot from an author?

Which 12 wiki bots are you referring to? What if some one add one more wiki bot?

Is this competition 1on1 or melee?

The part about "stolen" and "permission" seems to be redundant. What if someone use one of the top bots distributed with permissive license? Are they good to participate?

Beaming (talk)23:32, 17 September 2014

Wiki postings

Edited by author.
Last edit: 04:30, 12 December 2013

Please don't think that I want you to leave. I am complaining. I would like the questions (in their current form) to stop. But I'd also like a new member of the community. The following are my suggestions for how to ask questions on the robowiki:

1) Make sure your question is closely related to Robocode. It can be about algorithms that are not specific to Robocode, but it should be about the algorithms as applied to Robocode.

2) Make sure you punctuate your questions. It's not hard. Furthermore, it makes them easier to read.

3) Make sure you pay attention to the answers you receive. Read them before replying.

4) Make sure you thank people for helping you. We are all busy and have other things to do.

5) Make sure you have some understanding of the subject about which you are asking. If you don't, answering your questions isn't worth our time.

6) Make sure you search for an answer to the question before asking it. Use the search box in the left and/or google unless you know the information isn't easily available.

I'm glad you are interested in what I found to be the best way to learn programming, but I think that following the above guidelines will help you to learn.

Do you have any questions? Ask away.

AW (talk)03:55, 12 December 2013

Yep, I'm a jerk.

Punctuation error: "If you don't answering your questions isn't worth our time." Comma should be added after don't

BeastBots101 (talk)03:59, 12 December 2013

Actually, I think the comma is optional on a short introductory phrase, such as the one I used. I'll include it anyways. More importantly(,) I ended a sentence with a preposition and said that the search box was on the right... It's better now.

AW (talk)04:07, 12 December 2013

Actually, it appears that I'm wrong and the comma is required for introductory clauses. Introductory phrases need commas depending on the length of the phrase.

AW (talk)04:10, 12 December 2013

As am I.

"Make sure your question is closely related to [Robocode]. It can be about algorithms that are not specific to [Robocode], but [it] should be about the algorithms as applied to [Robocode]."

Sheldor (talk)04:11, 12 December 2013

Good advice, and kind of you to take the time to post this.

Voidious (talk)06:15, 12 December 2013

Hi Tmservo, Welcome to the RoboWiki. Are you Human?

(is Skilgannon's 'new Bot' designing itself now? )

) Cheers
Jlm0924 (talk)19:01, 22 July 2014

here's a warning

i think i may have used too many dual accounts using my 2 accounts so i might no longer be chatting on

Tmservo (talk)16:26, 20 March 2014

literumble needs update

Tmservo (talk)13:11, 11 March 2014


literumble needs your CPU cycles and not update. There is only one person who is currently donating CPU cycles to battle runs, no wonder there are almost no updates. [1]

P.S. Tmservo, it is hard to read a mind of a person. Please, add description/words to your posts, not just links or pictures.

Beaming (talk)15:25, 11 March 2014

i meant update via RoboRumble client and i need A Robocode because i Updated to a long time ago P.S what version do you use beaming

Tmservo (talk)06:51, 12 March 2014

I use since it the latest from which rumble accept stats.

I would prefer since it seems to have a faster graphics in comparison to newer versions and I like to use for my internal program/debug/observe cycle.

Beaming (talk)04:32, 13 March 2014

what versions are compatible with roborumble

Tmservo (talk)10:21, 13 March 2014

If you go to the rumble statistic page you will see: Allowed Robocode versions: ['', '']

Beaming (talk)15:03, 13 March 2014

The reason only and are allowed is because they both have a bug which affects the scores, giving top bots a slightly lower score. If we want to switch to new versions we will have to delete all data and start fresh, because new versions fix the bug.

Skilgannon (talk)17:06, 15 March 2014

I think it is better to allow newer version to participate and to regenerate stats. It might boost number of contributors.

Robocode is hard enough to start. Not everyone will have enough patience to see that it requires older version for rumble. Besides it is better to debug/prototype a bot with the same version of robocode and rumble.

Beaming (talk)21:17, 15 March 2014

Suggestion about switching to newer versions.

If literumble kept separate average scores for each version on each pairing, it could support multiple versions at the same time.

And, maybe, using the version of the last upload on each pairing as the main version. Contributors could gradually upgrade their clients without need to reset the whole database.

Unused old version stats could be deleted after some time to free space.

MN (talk)18:54, 16 March 2014

kms.golden vs basicgfsurfer

which is better

Tmservo (talk)05:13, 19 December 2013

These "which is better" questions for seemingly random bots aren't good questions. Besides, if you want to know I suggest you just check the comparison page on the roborumble server instead of making a thread here. If you have a question about a bot that's fine, but "which is better" is not a very useful question and you can get your answer on your own like from the link above.

Rednaxela (talk)05:28, 19 December 2013

FoilistMicro vs EpeeistMicro

why is FoilistMicro worse than EpeeistMicro

Tmservo (talk)00:38, 19 December 2013

Generally, Dynamic Clustering is better than traditional GFT. However, DC also requires more codesize. I had to cut the gun down to three dimensions, instead of EpeeistMicro's five segments. I also had to cut back the movement mode selection, energy management, and anti-ram behavior.

Sheldor (talk)03:04, 19 December 2013

dcbot targeting or gftargetingbot targeting

which is better

Tmservo (talk)02:15, 17 December 2013

I use gftargetingbot. dcbot has some wierd glitches on my client.

Kimstron (talk)07:44, 18 December 2013

Sorry about my poor capitalization there. Adding on, GFTargetingBot is (I think) simpler.

Kimstron (talk)00:43, 19 December 2013

java file multiple class files

how does one java file become multiple class files

Tmservo (talk)05:53, 18 December 2013

You're probably referring to what happens when one defines nested/inner/anonymous classes inside another class's java source file.

Rednaxela (talk)08:25, 18 December 2013

how do i post source code

how do i post source code

Tmservo (talk)01:17, 16 December 2013

Just copy the code you want to post, and then paste it in between "syntaxhighlight" tags on whatever page you want to post.

Sheldor (talk)04:05, 16 December 2013

best robot exactly ten lines

Edited by author.
Last edit: 04:12, 11 December 2013

what is the best robot that you can make without using more than ten lines of codes

Tmservo (talk)00:55, 10 December 2013

Perhaps if you included reasons in more of your questions, you would get more responses. As it is, you seem to be asking rather arbitrary questions to which the answers seem irrelevant.

Straw (talk)07:39, 10 December 2013

Who knows? Not all bots are open source, and I agree with straw that this is not really relevant.

BeastBots101 (talk)02:55, 12 December 2013

Given that new line characters in Java are optional, this robot is better than DrussGT. Also, I think that the "no free lunch theorem" rather limits what can be postulated of said hypothetical robot. But seriously, I'm finding your questions rather annoying. Could you please try using punctuation, multiple sentences, and acknowledging that you understand what we tell you?

Also, questions like "How do I make an X-tree?" don't really belong here. This isn't a general programming forum, and if you can't understand it by using google, you probably need to spend more time increasing your coding skills rather than asking what the best ______ in robocode is. I know we try to be welcoming on the robowiki, and people were very patient with me, but I think it seems like you need to learn more programming before you should worry about most of the questions you are asking. In fact, I'd say learning more programming would make it so you would never ask this question.

I don't mean to scare you away, but some of your questions seem to indicate that you need to learn more about programming. If you have questions about why the GF tutorial does certain things, then please ask them. If you're wondering how to write a priority R tree, then I don't think we'll have the time to help you.

AW (talk)03:41, 12 December 2013

Adding on, try not to be demanding in your questions... "Somebody answer this" or "Why won't anybody post a reply" are not really relevant. Responses usually take hours or even days to come. Be patient. This is also in the wiki postings thread.

And me being 10 minutes after AW is a coincidence.

And I HAD no programming skills earlier. I'm currently still a Robocode Noob and learning java.

BeastBots101 (talk)03:52, 12 December 2013

how to make a X-tree

how do i make a X-tree

Tmservo (talk)00:23, 17 October 2013

Is that even robocode?

BeastBots101 (talk)03:54, 12 December 2013

best guessfactor place

which bot is the best bot that doesn't use dynamic clustering

Tmservo (talk)03:09, 8 December 2013

Most top bots use DC in their movement.

As for guns, Tomcat is the best bot without DC but does not use GF. XanderCat is the best bot with a GF gun but has multiple guns to go with it(it's not completely GF). The best bot with a single GF gun that I know of is WaveSerpent(Gilgalad has 2 GF guns).

By the way... you could have easily found out yourself. Look at the bots wiki pages.

BeastBots101 (talk)02:54, 12 December 2013

pattern surfer

a pattern surfer is a surfer that uses pattern matching and play it forward in it's movement

Tmservo (talk)02:53, 5 December 2013

proof that literumble win percentage is broken

Tmservo (talk)02:26, 30 November 2013

There have always been strange artifacts when the rumble hasn't stabilized yet. Look again when it is stable.

Chase03:23, 30 November 2013
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