Nice idea!

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Nice idea!

I like this idea and would be happy to help (although I'm starting a new job and may not have much free time unfortunately)! It would be great to have a really modular bot where various robocode strategies (GoTo vs TrueSurf, KNN vs Segmentation, etc.) could be compared easily. The closest things we've had back in the day was swapping out guns/movement as in the RoboRumble_Gun_Challenge, Diamond/DiamondHawk, WaveSerpent/DookiSerpent, etc., but that was pretty crude and coarse-grained.

--Kev (talk)20:46, 16 July 2021

Hi, it is really great to see you working on this :) I was working on something similar however it always turned into a generics hell. I wonder how this project will turn out. Also, will it be open to contributions or will it be open sourced once it is done?

Dsekercioglu (talk)16:51, 17 July 2021

Surely it will be open to contributions. Most code will be from ScalarR, with some test added. I'm currently working on general project structure, and it will be open to contribution once the basic things are done.

Xor (talk)06:16, 19 July 2021

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