User talk:Voidious/TripHammer

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Revision as of 16:53, 13 September 2009 by Rednaxela (talk | contribs) (correction)
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Interesting gun... I wonder, if you smooth all hit into an array or using DrussGT-like method, it should be a lot faster. » Nat | Talk » 04:50, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

Ooh.. interesting... this makes me more inclined to make my try my cluster-tree idea, which I started to implement but then got distracted with melee things.. but I do want to get my melee stuff more finished before I got back to that.. hmmm --Rednaxela 05:16, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

I wonder how this would compare with one of our regular k-nearest-neighbors guns using 1/250th of the number of scans? Also, you say you're using precise GFs, what method are you using on finding an angle? The method Rednaxela and I use, which is best described as precise-range-overlap, is the best I have tested. Also, I assume this means you've written your own precise-GF utility method. I remember when writing mine something I was grateful for was that bots in robocode are represented by non-rotating rectangles =) --Skilgannon 07:42, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

The precise GF code is just the same as Dookious has been using for ages. I think Dooki was the first bot to find the advantage to using precise GFs, actually =), though I know PEZ had experimented with it even before that. Anyway, it's not that precise that I am looking at bot width... just that I use precise prediction to calculate the max escape angle instead of just Math.asin(8 / bullet speed). I calculate the escape angle the enemy could reach if he moved full speed perpendicularly (and just ran into any walls), then the escape angle the enemy would reach if he did the same but with Wall Smoothing, and I take the larger of the two. I have been wondering if it's worth tweaking this to be even more precise, perhaps I'll take a look. Funny to look and see that the last change I made to Dookious was tweaking the precise GF code in 1.573...
About the KNN comparison, do you mean which would perform better with 1/250th the data? Or if this gun had 1/250th the data so that the clusters were of similar size? It's also worth noting that switching from displacement vectors to (precise) GFs was an immediate boost in score - I may run some TCRM seasons with Diamond's gun switched to use GFs for a fairer comparison. Diamond gets ~89.85 with its main gun, even with displacement vectors.
--Voidious 08:56, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
Ha! When I read "Dooki was the first bot to find the advantage to using precise GFs", I start to dig myself into Dookious code before I return and read "Anyway, it's not that precise that I am looking at bot width...". I think Doki is just only robot that use precise MEA now. For the KNN comparison, I think Skilgannon mean the later, he wants to test k-NN with similar size. » Nat | Talk » 09:36, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
Phoenix also uses precise MEA in its gun, I'm pretty sure. And Diamond doesn't use it for precise GFs, but it does use (precise MEA / traditional MEA) as its wall distance attribute in 1v1. --Voidious 14:31, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, what I mean is that each cluster has 1/250th of your data, and you use the entire cluster to determine what the angle to shoot at should be, so why not use KNN with your K set to size/250 for a comparison? And there's been a bit of confusion I think, what you do is precise MEA, not precise (ie. subpixel) GF hitranges like Garm, RougeDC, DrussGT (in the gun only) and Wintermute. --Skilgannon 10:55, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
Ohhh, gotcha. Sorry for my half asleep ramblings, then. =) I've always thought of that as "precise bot width" or "precise intersection". I still think "precise GF" is an accurate description of what I do here (along with "precise MEA"), since in this system, GF1 is precisely the maximum bearing offset the enemy can reach in his current orbital direction, which is what GF1 is meant to describe. With traditional MEA, GF1 is just a very rough approximation. No argument that both increases the precision of a GF system, though. --Voidious 14:31, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
As someone who's never ever used 'precise MEA' in a gun... I wonder how using it would affect SaphireEdge, and how much that might boost it into a lead over TripHammer by... :) --Rednaxela 14:48, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

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