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Revision as of 16:27, 22 September 2009 by Nat (talk | contribs) (Interpolation.)
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In almost every melee gun, you need to do the interpolation to get approximate enemy location. I wonder how are you doing this in your melee gun? Just normal linear interpolation on fancy interpolation? » Nat Pavasant » 14:27, 22 September 2009 (UTC)

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Increasing the probability of hitting021:07, 9 August 2017

Increasing the probability of hitting

I had some ideas when I was thinking about targeting. Are there anybody using these:

    • When enemy is close enough to hit with head-on, fire head-on.
    • If the enemy is close enough and if your prediction is GF-0 or GF-max, don't fire there fire as close as you can to the centre using bot width calculation.
    • Fire more powered bullets when enemy is cornered, MEA decreased because of walls.
Dsekercioglu (talk)21:07, 9 August 2017