MediaWiki talk:Sidebar

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Revision as of 05:59, 19 July 2009 by Voidious (talk | contribs) (→‎Updated sidebar: nice sections, seems long)
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Updated sidebar

What's really happen, Voidious? » Nat | Talk » 03:11, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

I wanted to at least add the "Random User page" link, maybe some other Random links (seemed like too much), and I removed some links that didn't seem as important. Any comments / suggestions? --Voidious 03:15, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

I really wish I could make "Random page" go to any namespace, but I haven't found a way yet. =( I don't like how "Random User page" made the sidebar wider... --Voidious 03:18, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

There is,$wgContentNamespaces. You need to set it to any namespaces you want, such as $wgContentNamespaces = array(NS_MAIN, NS_TALK, NS_USER, NS_USER_TALK, NS_HELP);

This is a bit out of topic, but you did set the rewrite to work with /wiki/Title, didn't you? You need to change $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; too in order to make the internal link change to new URL. And MediaWiki 1.15.1 is out, it is security fix so you should update. The revision of MediaWiki distribution doesn't need an update to database, just replace the file, that's all. » Nat | Talk » 03:35, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

I don't know if this is better...

* navigation
** mainpage|mainpage
** recentchanges-url|recentchanges
** randompage-url|randompage
** Special:Randompage/User|Random User page
** Special:Allpages|All pages
** Special:Categories|All categories
* robocode
** Robocode|Robocode
** Category:Bots|Bots
** Category:Bot Authors|Bot Authors
** Category:Targeting|Targeting
** Category:Movement|Movement
** Robocode/FAQ|FAQ
** Help:Help|Help

» Nat | Talk » 03:44, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

I like the sections, I just think that would be kind of long. I kind of like to boil it down to the most important / most used links. --Voidious 03:59, 19 July 2009 (UTC)


Why Twitter update only show on some pages? » Nat | Talk » 03:48, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

Still tinkering. =) --Voidious 03:51, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

What do you guys think of the Twitter feed like that on the sidebar? It's kinda long, and I'm not sure how useful it is to anyone, but I wanted to give it a try, at least. Still feeling out if/how to make the Twitter feed useful. --Voidious 03:56, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Can you see links in this page shown in the navigation side bar?202:51, 23 January 2018

Can you see links in this page shown in the navigation side bar?

On my computer, the sidebar looks like this:

but it used to (and should to, according to the function of this page) look like this:

it seems that it's a problem with cache. Any page that's not visited by anyone before shows the correct link.

Xor (talk)05:05, 21 January 2018

I see it with "Random Talk page" and "Random User page" visible.

Beaming (talk)21:13, 22 January 2018

Thanks, it seems that the cache refreshed.

Xor (talk)02:51, 23 January 2018