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Yeah. Dodging strategies can get massively more complicated with this much maneuverability and the capability of going faster than the projectile.

It's basically 2D space combat with projectile weapons!

The MEA/MERegion is going to be the intersection of an expanding (in the time domain) circle from firing bot and a moving and expanding ellipse from the target bot. I haven't actually written out the math to see if there's a simple, clean solution to it, let alone done an iterative graph. My intuition is that it'll look like an ellipse blown up like a balloon on the far end and skewed linearly on the far end in the direction of the target's velocity at launch time.

If there's a clean solution, the solution to this is mathematically simpler than the Robocode case. (A caveat being that the projected region should be reflected by walls. Ouch.)

Tkiesel08:04, 22 November 2012