New Gun

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Well it could have been worse.

But considering it suddenly beats bullet shielders leads me to believe there is a bug in my gun. I'll do some debugging and see what I get.

But I am guessing my problem with some of these is actually my terrible bullet power selector.

    Chase21:05, 20 February 2013

    Combat beats all bullet shielders except EnergyDome. And without specific anti Bullet Shielding.

    Don´t know if there is a bug in learning GF0 angles. At least graphical debugging against SittingDuck looks bug free.

      MN21:55, 20 February 2013

      Well Nene beats them all. Plus some of the scores seem skewed in odd ways. Since I tested against some of them with just the gun, and I happen to know the movement is relatively decent.

        Chase22:57, 20 February 2013

        It seems the fast math in my next position calculator as well as some bad bullet power was really hurting it. Nene ranked 8th is perfectly acceptable to me. I would have been happy with it passing Ascendant. Considering its score it might switch places with Phoenix and end up #9.

          Chase14:27, 21 February 2013

          Congrats with this improvement. You left me dangling at 10th place. And all I want to do is pass Dookious as that is the highest ranked non-DC bot. Your gun probably has some more room for improvements considering your movement is that strong.

            GrubbmGait17:42, 21 February 2013

            Well the gun wasn't done. But Skilgannon's comment got me thinking. I figure it was overdue.

            But this kills two birds with one stone. Means I can change the license entirely to ZLIB, and it sorts out many of the issues Nene was having with surfers and (to my surprise) bullet shielders.

            With this development, I am fairly sure Nene is the only top-10 robot who not only has no flattener but also no VG array. This appeals to my sense of simplicity. I am currently going about fixing a few minor bugs in Seraphim. To see where it would have ranked if I had been competent at the time.

              Chase18:31, 21 February 2013