Anti-Bullet Shadows

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Revision as of 24 November 2011 at 17:03.
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Anti-Bullet Shadows

I just spent a fruitless day trying to get some anti-bullet shadowing going to boost my PL score against a few specific bots ;-) I am admitting defeat however, as so far it's done nothing for my scores. My idea: By seeing where they move to, I can figure out where the bullet shadows are, and thus where they are shooting.

When one of my bullet waves breaks on the enemy, assume they are in a shadow. Play the shadow backwards to see where it intersected with all of the enemy waves (the waves they shot), and log all of those shadow/wave intersections to my flattener for that position/wave combination.

Perhaps somebody else will figure out something more accurate... I haven't put any sort of threshold in to only take the shadow into account if it is above a certain width, and I haven't tried running a simple (Raiko-like) gun to see whether they are in a 'dangerous' position for no apparent reason. Either of these has the potential to make this a valid idea, but I thought that I'd throw the idea out before working on it too much more =)

    Skilgannon19:03, 24 November 2011