Weighted Tree

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Revision as of 25 December 2013 at 01:45.
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Weighted Tree

Thanks for adding a weighted tree, It makes me feel safer to know that my implementation does the correct thing. Where are you using it in Wintermute?

    Straw (talk)10:20, 24 December 2013
      Sheldor (talk)13:02, 24 December 2013

      In Wintermute I have a single tree for bullet hits, but I have 3 different weighting schemes that concentrate on different types of enemies. Since they all use the same tree I just set the different weights before pulling the KNN. It could be done just as well (and probably a bit faster) by keeping different trees, but I wanted the possibility of adjusting the weights as the battle went on, even though I never ended up using it.

        Skilgannon (talk)13:13, 24 December 2013

        Thanks, I see now you are using one tree to emulate having three different trees with weights.

          Straw (talk)22:51, 24 December 2013
          Edited by author.
          Last edit: 23:23, 24 December 2013

          is chebyshev norm better or worse than euclidean norm for knn for movement,gun

            Tmservo (talk)22:53, 24 December 2013

            Without defining "better" or "worse", this is a meaningless question.

              Straw (talk)23:12, 24 December 2013

              Still a meaningless question. Better against what? In what situations? With what weights? Its impossible to effectively answer the question without knowing those.

                Straw (talk)02:45, 25 December 2013