Well, that's interesting

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Well, that's interesting

I'm a little surprised Glacier didn't drop more than it did, considering it's relatively "dumb" during the 1v1 at the end of each match.

Makes sense to me that SandboxDT rose quite a number of ranks in this context. Interesting that Logic, Coriantumr, and YersiniaPestis rose notably.

    Rednaxela (talk)19:27, 13 May 2014

    I think the key is to look at the KNPPBI i.e. blue line for a bot in a regular melee, if bot is specialized on a hard bots, which seems to be in above cases, then it will be placed higher in MeleeTop30. Glacier seems to be better at the mid level bots, though it hard to judge for a top 10 bot.

      Beaming (talk)19:37, 13 May 2014