Spam bot invasion
Hi Skilgannon,
I think you have page deletion permission. We need it, since there are hundreds of spam pages whcih appeared on wiki today.
May be there is a way to get such permissions to new crop of users. Looks like many previously active advanced users are not here anymore.
An admin can mass-cleanup the spam by using Special:Nuke on suspicious users from Special:ActiveUsers, as well as suspicious edits from Special:RecentChanges.
In the light of this, I would like to nominate User:Beaming and User:Cb for admin rights.
Skilgannon's email can be found in Contacts.
More discussion on this attack can be found here and here.
More suggestions:
- IP-ban these bozos.
- Do some of the stuff mentioned here.
- Merge all spam accounts together so we can keep track of them more easily.
- Delete/hide spam entries from Special:RecentChanges.
I also nominating User:MultiplyByZer0 because of active presence at wiki and a lot of clean up effort coming from this user.
List of users who need to be nuked for spam:
- Abdul
- Abhi2828
- Abhishek.upadhyay11
- Adamsmith
- Ahmad1234
- Ahmadd123
- Ajaykapadia2
- Akki
- Alex
- Alexa
- Alexdogge1
- Alexyokei
- Alhaji
- Amit8923
- Andoralifs
- Andrusmith1
- Anisingh
- Anjilajolia
- Anjilajoliaa
- ANNU17
- Anshu01
- Araja
- Asdasd
- Ashish12345
- Ashish786786
- Astrologerbaba16
- Avisupport
- Baba786
- Bisafepa
- Bitcoinsssupport
- Blizzardbluee
- Bookentry
- Bradyswan
- Brandi84
- Bujelizala
- Caira
- Caleb
- Cbkjvjvkd
- Chorsupport
- Chunnu7294383gulabo
- Cooljass1
- Cuwerokume
- Cybertechnisdhhdh
- Dabbu
- Dante
- Dasfgs
- Dear
- Depih12
- Dev123
- Dexter6789
- Dfasffasf
- Dfgvfgvfsd5
- Dfjhfgj
- Dfsdf
- Dgdfhfgjhfgh
- Dhanraj99
- Dinni999
- Dk923478
- Dolka01
- Dpkapadia1
- Dsgdfhg
- Dsgsdhjfe
- Dykywipy
- Ellis S Skinner
- Emma000001
- Emmawatson
- Emmie2680
- Engineer123
- Ergugfdguf
- Eswt
- Faer
- Fairsearches.pradeep
- Faisal
- Faulkner
- Fdbhdf525
- Fibarip
- Frankgel
- Fransis99
- Fullsupport
- Gakllerjohn
- Gattu
- Ghfdhfg
- Ghufgt567121
- Gibson
- Ginjuilinhj
- Gk707027
- Gofyozilto
- Gopalamj
- Gtrtgum
- Guwogepome
- Hajsfdjorkgpgk12
- Harryji
- Hemantvar
- Herry9
- Hgghjnfgertyr
- Hgjugyhj
- Himanshumalik
- Hjqrss
- Hpprinterhelplinenumber
- Humanbegin
- Huwe45
- Intuitqb
- Jack Narcy
- Jack04
- Jackkallish
- Jackson002
- Jaikisan00
- Jajajakkk
- James002
- James123
- James13
- Jamesdelvin
- Jameswatt
- Jamson1101
- Javed
- Jayho
- Jdythf
- Jesonroy
- Jfnjdf
- Jhhjf
- Jhon1993
- Jhons123
- Jigo
- Jiojio
- Jivanlal
- Jiya
- Jiya12
- John
- Jon1
- Joun
- Joy
- Kabeer07
- Kailin123
- Kakarot
- Kanhaiya
- Kapil
- Kapoor99
- Kardogeydu
- Kdvn
- Kealallen
- Ketty perry
- Khana
- Khushbu
- Klminfinity
- Kopf
- Kumarraj
- Ladainian10
- Lagoweva
- Lahi5
- Lalan
- Lansj
- LauraJeanne1
- Lemo
- Lericuxi12345
- Lianaja854
- Liasinw935
- Ligebulu
- Logive
- Lopa
- Mack234
- Mack236
- Mahi111
- Mahijio
- Maineeru
- Malirabrook
- Manish.miits
- Manmohan
- Mariathomas
- Marie
- Marksdisoza
- Martin123
- Martin1234
- Mast
- Mausam
- Maya95
- Mayankrawat4
- Miits01
- Mike26
- Millerdav238
- Mohit
- Monster1
- Muskan01
- Narayna
- Narender
- Netgear
- Nokakeddy
- Nunu4444
- Oppoo
- Oxdfjdh
- Pankajseo
- Para
- PatangDas01
- Pjroc
- Pjrocker
- Poman
- Pooja
- Postkaro123
- Postkaro12345
- Quickbook400
- Qwefeqfef
- Raftaar
- Raftaarse
- Rahul
- Rahul dadadadda
- Rahulsharma
- Raji
- Ramansharma
- Ramjaneji
- Rampyariseo91
- Ratkaraja
- Raviraj789
- RDX1
- Retjvcxcxyd3
- Reyan123
- Rickymarsh786
- Rikismith
- Robertkin
- RobertVelsen
- Rocky
- Rohan
- Rohit01
- Ronaldo
- Ronikbhai
- Ronit
- Roopesupport
- Royrubeen
- Rtytgfg
- Rupesh123
- Sabbu
- Sabjauaz
- Safdfg
- Sagardabas
- Samsam
- Samsamwar
- Sandre
- Sandysingh
- Sanjay
- Sara1000010
- Sara100009
- Saunday
- Saurab
- Saurab12
- Scams
- Sdfasdga
- Sdfhdhfg
- Senchin
- Sherjer
- Shgarg
- Shikhar123456
- Shoha
- Sidlx
- Smith123
- Somi1
- Somi2
- Sonu2131
- Speedyhome
- Spyindia
- Sufalll
- Sugarpova
- Szrzgaucn
- Tanusaman
- Techimaniya01
- Techmaniya01
- Techusa1
- Tepuvituk
- Tessluter
- Tiffay40
- Tomnicky
- Tr577ytrrdeyert
- Traciegrany
- Tujbin
- Uday
- Uhykwh12
- Umeshchandra
- Valentin
- Varun sharma
- Vice
- Victor5464
- Vishalmansoori
- Vumev
- Vxzdcvsxdgv
- Watpad6
- Wfef
- Wheatstone
- Williamgrant
- Xcgsfth
- Xehovyx
- Xuwyru123
- Yifaput4
- Yurkejertu
- Zunoy
- Zxcvbnm
Old list:
- Abhishek.upadhyay
- Ajay123
- Akki
- Alex
- Araja
- Ashish786786
- Ashokpall
- Ashu1994
- Avisupport
- Boqr7860
- Dabbu
- Dear
- Dev123
- Dfsdf
- Dpkapadia1
- Dsgdfhg
- Emma000001
- Ergugfdguf
- Franco.nic60
- Frankgel
- Fullsupport
- Gad077
- Gattu
- Ghfdhfg
- Gibson
- Gk707027
- Gofyozilto
- Helena
- Hgjgfjfgfd
- Hjqrss
- Hpprinterhelplinenumber
- Humanbegin
- James002
- Jameswatt
- Jesonroy
- Jfnjdf
- Jiya
- Jiya12
- Jon1
- Jonemarteene
- Joy
- Kaitlyn
- Kdvn
- Ketty perry
- Kopf
- Lagoweva
- Lansj
- Lemo
- Lericuxi12345
- Lianaja854
- Llisamith56
- Lopa
- Mack233
- Mahi111
- Manish.miits
- Marksdisoza
- Martin1234
- Netgear
- Nokakeddy
- Nunu4444
- Pipni1
- Postkaro123
- Raftaarse
- Raji
- Rickymarsh786
- Riya123
- Roopesupport
- Roshunda7
- Rpaul9596
- Samsam
- Sandysingh
- Sara100009
- Sdfhdhfg
- Smith123
- Somi1
- Somi2
- Speedyhome
- Spyindia
- Techline
- Tiffay40
- Toto23
- Vickyvikk
- Wheatstone
- Williamgrant
- Yifaput4
- Yurkejertu
- Ztf75682
Thanks for listing those bot! I think we should take action as soon as possible, e.g. disable account creation and delete spam accounts.
Then may be we should try to add some CAPTCHA for new users?
I made CAPTCHA suggestions here.
I believe it is possible that these spammers are not bots, but low-paid humans working in huge "spam farms". A registration CAPTCHA should therefore require at least basic knowledge of Robocode (e.g. name one sample bot).
In any case, nothing is going to happen until Skilgannon wakes up.
Okay, it looks like GrubbmGait and Voidious are blocking spam accounts, and account creation has been disabled.
We still need to fix the main page, though.
I have located the main page here:$$_1-855-665-7666@_HP_Service_Phone_Number_HP_Service_Phone_Number_Support_Number0572
Unfortunately, I do not have permissions to move it back.