Wiki spam

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Last edit: 11:06, 24 August 2017
MultiplyByZer0 (talk)20:23, 23 August 2017

Also, a better CAPTCHA is needed, MathCaptcha is too easy.

I think a question-based CAPTCHA would work. Questions such as:

  • Q: "Name a sample bot." A: One of ["Corners", "Crazy", "Fire", "Interactive", "Interactive_v2", "MyFirstRobot", "MyFirstJuniorRobot", "PaintingRobot", "RamFire", "SittingDuck", "SpinBot", "Target", "TrackFire", "VelociRobot", "Walls"]
  • Q: "Name a robot base class." Q: One of ["Robot", "JuniorRobot", "AdvancedRobot", "TeamRobot"]
  • Q: "What is the default battlefield size (WIDTHxHEIGHT)?" A: "800x600"
  • Q: "What is the default number of rounds?" A: "10"
  • Q: "What is the name of the sample bot in the 'samplesentry' package?" A: "BorderGuard"


MultiplyByZer0 (talk)21:05, 23 August 2017

I like the question based CAPTCHA. I have a low profile wiki where it is enabled for registration, and questions keeps spamers away...mostly. From time to time there is a renegade human who reveal the answer, and spam bots invade. But than I change the question. Last time I changed it was more than a year ago.

Another good measure would be to put all messages from newly registered users in a pre-moderated pool until they prove themselves.

Overall, I think our fort is holding, we just need a way to summon admins a bit faster.

Beaming (talk)02:33, 25 August 2017

On second thought, just IP-ban them all.

MultiplyByZer0 (talk)23:31, 23 August 2017