Tradiotional MEA proof
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I came up with a proof for traiotional MEA which fits on a margin :)
First of all we notice that even the slowest bullet is faster than a bot at full speed. Thus any bullet eventually hits a bot. Now we assume that both the bot and the bullet are spherical points and move in vacuum :), also that there are no walls. We also assume that the bot can reach maximum speed instantaneously.
Let's put the firing bot in the origin and the target somewhere on the right of the x axis (no y displacement). Now we notice that in order to hit the bot, the bullet must have exactly the same y projection of the speed as the target bot.
Vbullet_y = sin(theta)*V_bullet = Vbot_y
Sin V_bullet is fixed in a given situation, the maximum theta (MEA) will be when Vbot_y is maximized, i.e. V_bot_y = V_bot. Substituting it above, we obtain traditional formula
MEA = asin( Vbot/Vbullet )