Pre-surfing enemy waves

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Pre-surfing enemy waves

I'm actually very surprised by your results against close-rangers/rammers like GrubbmThree. I found a bug which was preventing me from maintaining distance properly, but still spent my day trying to match up your results. No success. Are you pre-surfing the enemy waves by keeping track of their gun heats? By yours explanation you are not, which would be amazing. I am on my upcoming version, though, which is pretty sad... I would be a lot happier if you told me you are pre-surfing those waves and that there is actually some flaw in my pre-surfing implementation :P

    Rsalesc (talk)23:50, 29 August 2017

    Ok, flattener doing flattener things... not quite sure how to solve it without losing points, still testing.

      Rsalesc (talk)01:07, 30 August 2017
      Edited by author.
      Last edit: 15:55, 25 October 2017

      I'm tracking enemy heats, but didn't implement gun heat waves yet. However, if there is no waves in air, I fire a HOT wave every tick to make me get to a better position using existing danger evaluation code. It works surprisingly well against Rammers though ;)

        Xor (talk)03:53, 30 August 2017

        Yeah, I thought of something like that, so I used some stupid fallback movement. What I thought was, instead of using a simple fallback movement, to test all three surfing options and pick the one that puts me in a better position to surf a wave fired X ticks later, where X is the no. of ticks 'til the enemy's gun is cool. The thing is that I don't know where the wave will be fired from. I would have to estimate it, and maybe I would have to estimate it after every tick. My robot is probably slow enough already. Additionally, I thought it was not worth it. Good to know it may work against rammers. My fallback movement oftenly puts me in a bad position.

          Rsalesc (talk)04:05, 30 August 2017

          I don't try to simulate real waves at all, just fire a HOT bullet every tick and delete it immediately. As a Rammer just looks like some HOT bullet that constantly firing at you at every tick.

            Xor (talk)04:10, 30 August 2017

            One side effect of this one tick surfing fallback movement is that it moves not only to a position far from enemy, but also with max escape angle (which is also good against both real bullets and rammers).

              Xor (talk)04:12, 30 August 2017