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Author(s) GrubbmGait
Extends AdvancedRobot
Targeting Circular Targeting
Movement Ramming Movement
Released 2004-11-26
Best Rating APS: 57.19 (441th)
Current Version 0.9x
Code License RWPCL

Background Information

What's special about it?
Frankly nothing, it just is the best rambot.
Where did you get the name?
Surprise: it is my third bot.


How does it move?
Ramming, it tries to intercept the opponent by following its own bullets. It reverses direction if it is more beneficial. A small 'wobble' has been introduced inspired by the movement of MaxRisk.
How does it fire?
Iterative circular gun with some protection to avoid shooting straight into the wall. The iteration stops at the outer hull of the opponent. Next to the normal attributes as speed and headingchange, it also takes into account speedchange.
How does it dodge bullets?
It eats bullets for breakfast.
What's next for your robot?
Nothing anymore, as finally it is the highest ranked rambot. This old bot sharpened its teeth.
How competitive is it?
It outranked the best rambot at that time, NanoDeath, in march 2005. In feb 2006, Kev's MaxRisk came along and became the best rambot by a large margin. After more than 10 years a design-flaw was fixed, a clever idea implemented in the gun, and some rather rough movement tweak introduced. Now it is finally the best rambot again.


This tank is completely based on free information available on this wiki.


  • 0.9x 2017-09-25
    • RoboRumble ‒ APS: 57.19% (440th), PL: 716-443 (402nd), Survival: 54.73%
    • combination of best versions of 0.9j, 0.9g and 0.9k, maybe good enough to become the best rammer
    • And it is . . .!
  • 0.9a-l 2017-09-xx Various tryout versions, some succefull, some not so.
  • 0.9a NOT Smart radarturn at beginning of each round
  • 0.9b NOT Brake when sharp turn needed
  • 0.9c NOT Stop iteration just outside hull
  • 0.9d YES Introduce 'wobble' in movement
  • 0.9e NOT Make wobble small and fast
  • 0.9f NOT Fix small fast wobble
  • 0.9g YES Also keep track of speedchange in CT gun (and therefor movement)
  • 0.9h NOT Wobble with extra wallhit prevention
  • 0.9i NOT Again wobble with extra wallhit prevention
  • 0.9j YES Design-flaw: Now shoot full power when close to enemy and wall
  • 0.9k YES Wobble more often (not faster)
  • 0.9l NOT Iterate till hit, even outside battlefield, then warp into field. No bulletpower adaption
  • 0.9 The original since 2006
  • 20060216: v 0.9 -- Put aiming-point always within field, less energy preservation.
    • Rank:174 -- Rating:1635 -- PL:178
    • Comment: it seems a draw with MaxRisk 0.5
  • 20050316: v 0.8 -- Do not shoot at the center of the enemy, shoot at the outer hull.
    • Rank:135 -- Rating:1637 (down to 1629) -- PL:133
    • Comment: Outranked NanoDeath
  • 20050130: v 0.7 -- Refactored CT-gun (integrational -> iterative) to win 100 bytes and still have improved near-wall performance.
    • Rank:145 -- Rating:1630 (down to 1623) -- PL:145
  • 20050127: v 0.6 -- Improved radar, removed sharp-turn.
    • Rank:166 -- Rating:1606 -- PL:182
  • 20041219: v 0.5 -- Back to CT-gun, make sharp-turn sharper, fire also when angle between 10-20 degrees.
    • Rank:169 -- Rating:1604 -- PL:186 (Down to 1600)
  • 20041218: v 0.4 -- Changed CT-gun into averaged HOT-CT-gun.
    • Rank:203 -- Rating:1563 -- PL:-
  • 20041202: v 0.3 -- Changed bpower/distance ratio, made sharp turn less sharp.
    • Rank:180 -- Rating:1593 -- PL:-
  • 20041127: v 0.2 -- Solved sharp-turn bug, removed 10-tick wait at startup.
    • Rank:180 -- Rating:1592 -- PL:-
  • 20041126: v 0.1 -- Initial version, just ramming and shooting.
    • Rank:194 -- Rating:1577 -- PL:-